The Journey of Life


Born young and fragile - so easy to break;

and as time passes, the inner beast we awake

With each passing second, each falling leaf

A new soul is born, a new promise to keep.


With each road discovered, each path uncovered

The twists and turns create a life.

One to treasure, one to remember,

A home built from tire and strife


And like petals gently falling off a rose,

We let go of life, and our eyes we close

Falling on Earth’s tender embrace,

And the first sip of freedom we taste.

  • Author: AL17 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 17th, 2022 05:58
  • Comment from author about the poem: This is something I wrote years ago.. back when I was 12. Hope you like it.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 40
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  • L. B. Mek

    beautifully worded
    although I feel, there's freedom
    we can grasp
    before our final demise, dear poet
    thanks for sharing

    • AL17

      Thank you so much Mek !

    • dusk arising

      I thought i was going to be critical of this piece, it's title from a 12 year old being somewhat precocious. However I was wrong. THis is very good and at my age 70 very relateable.

      Speaks of a great furure in perceptive writing.

      • AL17

        Thank you very much dusk. 70! Your words mean so much to me since I'm still quite young, and you must have seen so much of life. I'm glad you found yourself relating to this poem. Thank you.

      • Rocky Lagou

        Wow this began as elegiac and slightly downcast, but the last line was such a message. Brilliantly done!

        • AL17

          Thank you very much dear Rocky! Means a lot.

        • Christina8

          A wonderful poem! Hard to believe you were 12 when you wrote it. Agreeing with Mek on this one, you can grasp freedom before our final demise. Great job!

          • AL17

            Thank you very much Christina

          • Charles Edward York

            From the perspective of a 12-year-old comes a very enlightening and profound sense of perspective and prose. It goes without saying that your piece of poetry is highly commendable and you should be encouraged by this to write more.

          • matthew jay

            I read all 5 of your poems. I enjoyed this one the most.

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