

Get that over there my wife said to me

But what was what and where was where? What could it be?

She looked at me with a glare, if you’d watched then you would see.

But I was around the corner on the stair and this all seems so petty

She said that obviously I didn’t care and to that she said I must agree

Even though I didn’t think it fair, it was her final decree

To argue would only me impair so I couldn't disagree

Now if this house you wish to share my wishes you’d better foresee

So now in total despair I ran and handed her the car key

Not that! I told you it was on the chair she screamed like a banshee

I only wished to tear my hair and far away to flee

Laughing she said I hope that you I didn’t scare, one thing you’re not is gutsy

  • Author: sorenbarrett (Online Online)
  • Published: March 23rd, 2022 06:14
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 14
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  • Bella Shepard

    Love this take on matrimony, done with tongue in cheek. Gave me a chuckle. After 52 years of marriage it comes down to figuring out what makes your better half tick. Surprising the power you can wield with a little psychology. Guess I've spilled the beans.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thank you so much Bella for reviewing and commenting on this piece.

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