

All is normal in a single mind

When two, the other crazy or sane you will find

It is when the number is greater, or three

that social agreement is the measure of sanity

Yet if this is true, let me ask you

If I were put in a hospital for the insane

In the view of the patients, could I my sanity retain?

  • Author: sorenbarrett (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 31st, 2022 07:14
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 14
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  • Rocky Lagou

    So I assume this is about society viewing someone as either "crazy" or possibly "provocative" through their expressions (either artistical or personal) and forming judgments about whether or not it is "morally okay" to do those things. Interesting and it honestly happens quite often.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thank ypu for your review and comment Rocky. This was stimulated by one psychiatrists view that sanity is a social conception defined by what we can't tolerate but is not against the law.

    • dusk arising

      In the view of the patients - No. Theyre insane LOL.

      I enjoyed this teaser.

    • Bella Shepard

      I love the paradoxical nature of your poem. Do we take on the attitudes of those we're surrounded by, simply by virtue of numbers? Or do we seek out those who think as we do, safety in numbers. Such a puzzlement. I love the way you pose your question. Well crafted piece.

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