



Was it something that they said, they wore or waved or what they maybe

thought they did ..

Or the colour of their skin, or eyes, now largely hid behind those

individual lids ..

Not to mention that bloody awful shell-shocked gaze, now staring blind

and vacant from behind

those tailor made and inexpensive wooden frames, forever gazing upward

and with tears

still streaming down each side toward that smoke streaked sky ..


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Comments +


  • Crowns4Christ

    How sad, I don't think that question can ever be answered

    • Neville

      I sincerely fear you may well be write ........... thank you though my friend ......... Neville

    • Goldfinch60

      Why - the most unanswered question in our lives.


      • Neville

        ...................................... Indeed Andy .. ta

      • orchidee

        Why? 'God knows' as the saying goes, usually said out of resignation, but true words.
        An extract from my nutty 'Meanwhile....' jottings: 'Why did I start singing, and cause so much misery to millions?!' heehee.

        • Neville

          thank you Mr. O ....................... N

        • L. B. Mek

          I imagine
          all children, Victims
          of war
          can relate, verbatim
          to every word in your poem
          dear Poet Supreme!
          how you capture, the true horror
          in the eyes, and voice
          of lost, innocence
          and beleaguered, mindsets
          where a childhoods, precious
          naivety has been, warped
          far - far, too soon
          to that sinister, world
          of adulthoods, wanton cruelty...

          • Neville

            I have seen a little bit with my very own eyes and fear that it is far greater than my own worse fears could possibly have ever been .. and now with much regret realise that I am indeed getting older and am most definitely and defiantly not a hero after all ..... Your words above are both mightily and truly appreciated my friend .. N

          • Poetic Dan

            To many thoughts for this piece of art, so I'll just thank you for sharing your heart!

            Take care

            • Neville

              ................................ Thank you Dan .. so muchly & always appreciated my friend ... Neville

            • Fay Slimm.

              The horror of war's vile effect is brought to the fore by your experience when trying to enter the field of its victims dear Nev - -- your verse speaks its own clearly captured message of no answers to Why - -- - -- yet we must go on asking - -- - heartbreaking indeed this first read of my belated return to M.P.S. ..................x

              • Neville

                welcome back Fay ... and thank you for turning up my friend .................... N x

              • spilleronsheet

                A thought provoking question
                That awakes me in my deep sleep
                Further to it a very intriguing poetry
                So well matching with the recent times
                I can hear the voices of so many who are marginalised
                Very well worded dear Neville

                • Neville

                  ... thank you spills my lovely friend .. yes troubling times indeed .. take care and stay safe & well .. N

                • Rozina

                  Unanswerable by the victims and others. But the main culprit knows why.

                  • Neville

                    presumably so .. many thanks for blessing this page with your presence Roz .. N

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