Quantum Love: Bard Heard Songs

Pearcemelville 兎敏


Return of The Bard     🏃
[Songs I heard]

By Pearcemelville

Quantum Love     💕
[entanglement blues]   👥

Manyananosecond has 
passed since my partner 
and I became entangled
We get along well
well we really don't see each other I have not a notion of anywhere she should be 
And if I do succeed, 

    🌔                                   🕛

That would be as scant as a success as such success as she says she sometimes says she shall so as she certainly should so she should say so she says so shall she say so she should not say she shan't stop.
My My, myriad of mindful moving musings if I may say she said so she may say so 
If I may say she so say.

         📿             👠             📿

For that is all the information the universe can offer me.

I could a see a photo still     though not where she go nor bin       🗑️         🤸🚴🏋️🏄⛷️🏇
Or seeing her in fullest motion  
yet have no idea where she is. 
Functional Wave Collapsing to 
one of either state    🌊
i-ts all they ever let me see
I feel quite irate

But I know that we know that i know that she knows that I could be there before I know.
Quantum Entanglement  or she knows   See? she pops up out of nowhere! from somewhere any where?
Where was I ?

They may be not say to me nay  nay nor to say to me anyday
where a..~her..~bout her 
Where about nor where she's bin, 
Her impending direction nay nor nay nay her any validated indication of her SPIN

💫           🤣      💈       ⭕         🌀                                                    
        ➿                                👌
  🔁                    🇰🇷                  ☢️    

               ゐ        ◎        ゑ            

Ah yes we get along well just about the same         🤣
I say to say                        🙄
These sudden reversals in   😲 fortune are driving me insane!

📶                      ⏸️                     📶 

Remember the Double Slit?
Dragged them along for quite a while without an inkling of the Quantum State.
Heisenberg had a handle on thatthat Principled Pal of mine  Yep  he knew his stuff,  all over it  ω


Well my nephew is a Monkey!

Then Schroedinger and his 🔲🈴🈳 bloody cat ©️ escaped! Streuth I hope it bloody well scratched everyone! Traitorously Cat!  🐺  
And Newton! What a lark! How long was he leaning up against that tree dreaming?
I saidChuckettadimdidn't🤔 🌴 think it would have hit him in the fuckin head!     🤣😄😍😥😅🙄😆😀😮🤓😎☹️😤😳🤠😺
He should have been inventing Calculus ∫Integral∬ Calculus Diferentiation∑
Achime, , ,  🚽 🛁  🚿

           ∫              ∞           ∬                      

Where was I? Well we hardly meet and i hardly ever see her 
But its kinda boring 👎 
I feel like getting out of this confounded entanglement. 
At least on you're own you have a decent chance of seeing others.                 🏰🎠🚂💒

😔😕 🤐☹️😕😝🤤😵😩😠😠

This entanglement business is murder and it indeed is trying to drive me as crazy as she said so I should say so or so she says so I may say so on this merry day in May if Mary may melodiously say this sunny Saturday the 6th of May this melancholy month of May this Merry Quaint and Merrymay.   FUCK!             肏
FUCK OFF!             肏走!

See what I mean? What did they do to me? What did I do
to them? 


Where are they? Where are you? Where are we? Where is my [ET] my entangled partner [ET) not to be seen.


 Where am I? 
Oh yes as she said I was to say she said to say hello to your sexy sister Sally in June. 
Oh yes

      👰                👩‍🚒             👰

I wish I would have read that in the fineprint. But as a signatory in the universal [Quantum Entanglement Agreement] A particle is obligated. . .  ✍️👈☝️👆👉🖐️

          ∬           🔗         ∬

I am drawn to getting out of this entanglement arrangement.    🚻👯‍♀️👫🤼🤼‍♀️                             


Dark Matter offers a course in self-disentanglement.   🌃
Or find a patsy to take my place, I'm sure THAT can be  arranged.
                📉  📝 📈
If they trace me down I may frown they mey department me away that day to 🚫🚭🔁⭕
The Large Hadron Collider which may circumcircularly encircle me in a SuperSonic Way            ⛷️🏂🏃
oR off me away in May that day to a singular singularity from which there may be nay Disentangelating in  👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 👩‍👦👨‍👦 disentangled Method  ♑


Wave〰️ Function Collapse 🚑
It even sounds 😴 boring 💤

When a 🎼 Classical 🎹 Observer 👀 bloody Peeping    
         🐕 Tom! 
Disturbs the  probability 🎲 of my fairly  👩‍🎓 squarely 📐
integrable ∫ function

They will have other things coming!

I'll have you leave my 
η complementary variables δ alone θ please just keep your hands to yourself you 
😋 garrolous groper 🙌
I'll have you know I am Certainly Principled  👩‍🏫  in no Uncertain way this day in May if I should say.

Should they attempt to unconjugate my ξ variables φ they'll have another thing coming on1will be left no choice but 2 reciprocate!

At least my fate it has not  
 🌠 fallen 🍃 to that upsetting state, 
stuck to one of two states,
one in motion     🎡      
with or without direction, 
or one in ⚡ static state  🚡


Should I depart to another plane it would be to a plane Kelvin O 
where I shall not feel pain

✳️          ↘️2️⃣7️⃣3️⃣↙️            🌊

Might they manage、my    
⛷️  momentum I shall ⛰️ pass
on,   presenting to her or him, 
The perfect position of my precise positioning,
in this pleasantly present merry morning on such a moody Monday in May, 
If I may say on such a day
 ( or so she may so say )

Max Planck 💳 constant in his postulatory position on body black 📷 radiation 📷
Wrote this formally with formulation of formula that 
included a constant of his own 
determination 😡
quantifiable oscillation〰️ of such said radiation ☢️
He constantly informing an integer with 🎶 oscillating frequencer 
The energetic result most pleasingly to himorher 👧 👴

Yet a❓ quandary that eludes the Brethren 👁️
Is accommodating quantum 
with gravity🥀
A question of serious discussion☺️😮😏🙄🙂 and integrity
Which has lead to no 
conclusion  🚫

To satisfy the🐣 small with large  🐘 One by one can't hold the mark 🏉
Shall we tell ✍️ them of this secretation
Or revel inour👅 Titillation?

Such gravitous questioning and pondering 🤔
May lead to accurate intuitating 🙃
And culminate in 

Theory of Everything!
Tadaa a     ⚠️
Tried to explain in lengths of strings  〰️
This slippery theorizationing 
of All Things
Thrown out 🗑️with theory M and Eddington's mix of 
👼 spiritual 👻Philosophy with Mathematica  ≦≦∑%θ∫


🌅   Copernicus 🌐 guilty of  so said       
  heresy was so
suspiciously suspected, 
though not found formally and guillotinely guilty for they
archived him away, arrested and arraigned in a homely house 🏡 one humid day 
And most unlikely was a    🔗departure 🛫 down to  garrolous gallows 🔗 on a gallantly gracious afternoon in June.

Newton was fundamentally fond of
finding out a formula to formulate the function of a root ∑upon its function ∫ in a frolicsome 👯‍♀️and    
元 fundamental way this day,
  I shall formally so say.

Galileo stated that 📜  laws are located≦ mathematically in a nicely natural kindaway.
He 🐚 conically apreciated Parabola,          ordinately coordinated with a squared  abscissa.

Galileo formulated formula to predict the trajected pathly parabola   📈    📉
 with pretty

                             ⎛​    │   ⎞​                                                                  
 that accord with locally acquired artillery according to ordinary ordinance on an 🔫 ordinarily orderly day in April. 

And the preconceiving pathway will prettingly predict,   🙇
the projected trajectory with a most unlikely deviation from that path that day.

       ⤴️            🏹             ⤵️

i- was BigBang born most bangingly  🎈
Oh what a fiery flashly flare
that freely flared, ♨️
To think that
all that was equally equivalent in a hitherto equivocally equal way,               ≠        ⚖️
could be explained in E = mc2 
【【 Ε =  ΜС②  】】

Rowing in a brown boat 🛶
with lunch, pen, and note,
He contemplated     📑
Brownian Motion

       🛶              🗻             🎣

And how would Albert E peruse my predicated predicament ?
Well through insistingly insisting that it is 
Spooky action at a  D      istance

That sinister Collider causing quarks and not such fun,   〆
 to annihilate each other in conditions reminiscent of those within a sun     🌅
 or indeed a myriad of hotspots from dwarf onto a Giant Red


He wouldn't know the difference   #                     ◎
t'ween a proton nay a neutron
To render it most pleasantily
I surrender unto Thee this definition I most gleefully did found ie:    ⬇️⬇️            ⬆️
A neutron is made from two Down quarks and an Up quark. A proton is made up of two Up quarks and a Down  ⬆️⬆️ ⬇️

                🔬         🔬

Louis Pasteur found that if he perfected for a princely pint of milk to pass through sixty  though not through fourty more plus degrees,
That that princely pint of milk that passed that would appear before his very eyes did  🐮
indeed turn pasteurized

    6️⃣0️⃣      ↗️ 🎚️↘️     1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣

◾▪️            🤠😎🤠           💂😷  
🌋♨️              🀄💢              👤👥

Aching Archimedes harked in volumes                      📒
It really turned him on 
How to measure Volume of an irregular polygon?     👃💜💎
He drew a bath but fell within and at first remarked in silent graces     Then >            🚽🚿🛀
He harked Eureka! ‼️
Volume is the exact amount of water it displayses
🌦️  🌧️  🗻  🛳️  💧  🌊                                         

Finding Fulcanelli the fittinglly fickle Order of Today 
Zappa Frankly feelz that🎼🎸 finding fleeting Fulcanelli is futile in a Fundamental Way

      🤴          👣   👣           🤶

Fulcanelli found a fortuitous friend
Along with Canseliet both did hunting for The Philosopher's Stone               Ω 🥔🌰🉐 Δ
Splendilatedly blending fire with a fiery furnacing fire they friendly friends morphed leady into GOLD!!               🔱

            🎇   🎆

A Bookstore opened by Master Wong in Hongkong I'mnot wrong
Factually riding there in fact alight at the Fifth Stop
Besuretobe wellaware of the bookyou seek as other Readers didnot found,
Though he named  really this erroneouslly his shop,   The 
        🌛     🌠    🌠         👀       👀                                                                                         
   ⌛⏳🕯️                 👩‍🍳👩‍🔧🤰
📅📉⏲️📈             👩‍🔬🕵️👷👸             
🔬📡🔭🌂       🙏👩‍🎓👩‍🏫🙍🙆💆
             ↖️        ↗️
             ↙️         ↘️                                    
🚾 🚼🚻 🚰       🔬🖨️💾📀🖱️🗑️
 🚾 ♿ 🚺🚹             📈📂📊🗂️                                                                       
    🈲🈲🚭🛂              🖥️🗄️🗃️
     ⚠️🚸                           🚳🚭

    Wong Fook Hing BookShop
🤓👩‍🎓           🐌🦉           👩‍🎓😎
  🚎🛣️🛵🛴🚑🚙🚓🚚🛵🚲                                        🚑     🚦🚦 🚥🚥🚦🚦       🚚

Instating communiques instantly
In packeted parsilly pakages  pakt fully,
This a Quantumly Principle Realfully Truthfully

           🙏         ⛩️         ✍️
Neils Bhor neaded to kneadfully, and bohring too beautifullyto bring out this
     ∬~electronic uncertainty
An electron may move,
from one orbital jump to another,
though e-may not       🚫    

  Ν🕴️Σ£$                   🅱️🅾️ΗЯ
                     〆 🎯ゝ 

        ヶ                                〝㍉
 ж 🌔     ✳️      🀄      ✴️     🌖ゑ
   ^     ゞ〟                          ъ   〃
                        👣👣              〆 

                     々 🛑ヾ

Richard Feynman 
Investigation of theory quantum      🎛️
Led to modellation of Theory Parton   💦   🍒
though not an island in a Stream 🚾
but streaming particulates
twin slitting   👭  👯‍♀️  👬
Behaviour of quanta things
Considered the   ☢️ contraction of Oring  ⭕
To find a challenging finding on a Shuttle machine     🚀     🛰️

Higgs I would like that he
Worked upon a vessel as an Officer         ⛴️🛳️🛥️🚢🌅🚁🌄
A Bosun and he found claim  🐚🦐🦀🐙🐠
by postulating existence of a particle bearing same his name


It was not till decades later
Somewhere within circular Cern 
They found that particular  elusive particle          ✳️
A Boson of Higgs I learn  👩‍🎓

The Choir paid tribune to Gaia
A Sphere so pleasantly    🌍 pleasingful placed in a pleasant and mostly pleasanting way,
Perfectly precisement positionaly nominally notioned
             THE MILKY WAY

☀️  ☿  ♀  🜨  ♂  ♃  ♄  ⛢  ♆  ♇

Jack and Jill ascented to draw a pail no less from a bore atop a hill,   🗑️                          🏞️
they stopped a moment, 
they kissed,    💋👅👄
and it is obviously 
plane to say this prose was processed by none other than 
Fulcanelli's Friend  🤼‍♂️🏞️🤸😇
an 0 level Hydroligist

   🤼  ↗️   ⛰️  🗑️  💦  👼  ↘️  🤸

I strive to conjure that perfect rhyme   🎶
Render Dear Liza's heart sublime                 💕
Yet with furrowed brow I hasten to find my purse of tricks                   💼      
Lest Dear John's holy bucket is not repaired

Shakti such a mystique band 
Maclaughlin strummed and 🎇 picked they all played as 1
Scintillating Sitar was stroked
by none other than Ravi   🤳 Shankar's son🚴   🎠🤼🐈

I think she is AliVE! 🚸
Quick! somebody CaLL  ⚠️

An AMBULANCE      😎   📞💻
I Wonder where Joe went   
That Day with gun slung  
o'er hisshoulder

I used to date an ep-girl   👩‍🎤
who worked in a server  bank
  Data Retrieval.       🎛️🎚️💾📔
To see Her fly such Remarkably flyingly、 Admin
 do praise She and Thanks.

Am thought to extrikiating this   
Though to Enguage in that nowwouldneed direct
  meandering,               ゐ〆ゑ
the like of which I am not useta.
I will try it ByJive
I hear now She has hoppled an
 Orbital to compute for a  Quantum Computer     ⚕️

Ψ                        ψ                        Ψ
    ℓ0 ≤ ℓ ≤ n − 1    mℓ−ℓ ≤ mℓ ≤ ℓ
           ⊂∪   х = ч②   ∪⊃
                        1 ≤ n

Perchance may be an opening
for a quark the like of me 
 At the compvtashionell Comp Orbital N surrounding the
   uantum Computer.          🔮
It's right down my e-levels 
I hope you don't mind if I say that my angular momentum is Awe-inspiring!      ΣζξφЖХщ
I could constitute part of a neutron, sit on a fense you may say , ШШШШШШШШШ
Oh to spend nanos with my e-girl is E-nspiring! 
              ⎛​1000⎞​        ⚕️
SWAP= ⎜​0010⎟                ♻️    
              ⎟0100⎟                   ⭕
              ⎝​0001⎠        ✳️
       🎠      ⅢιⅢ     🐖

Henry Lawson, man of history, prose and verse         🤠
Traversed down to Sydneytown        🏣🏤🏦🏬🗼
For in that Town he chose to have a shave    🤔
I quote his verse unto the mark 
I'll go and do the Sydney toff up there in IronBark
    ⛳                                          🏌️   

Bob toasted the bay where that Yacht  won the Day  ⛵ ⚓🚤
  He toasted one more to Port!
Bob  Hawkishlooking devil said any proprietor unwilling    to allow a comrade away,
 this day is a Bloomin` Bugger 

Two men strode into a bar 
I wish to aquefy, please serve to me kind Sir,      🥛
A glass of liquid water, HtoO.
His comrade, a sailor, said 
Toast the Revolution, Viva la
Revoloo   🥛
Please serve to me too Sir 
A goblet, your finest vintage
aqueous solution, a goblet
filled with HtoOtoo  🥛🥛

Twomen drinking though as 1 not ②       🥛
Acquiesced their aqueousless thirst     🥛 🥛
The first he showed acute   👧 thankyoos for acquiescense of aforestated aqueousless thirst within his throat   🤥💋
Whilst his poor friend he 
felt fully poorly   🏥
He has gone too moot his Manufacturer he's taken for the WORST!!!  

Michelson Abraham  Albert
rotating 🤸 a mirror 🔍and 1not
Shone reflecting rays and gazed😲
Decisively constant motioning
Determining the light velocity
He praised  🙏                        💡

A man named Maskelyne upon the Scottish mountain Schiehallion,                  ⛰️
Showed that this mountain did indeed attract a pendulum
If this one did then all do do and many dood gather to confer and affirm,
That Newton's inverse square law of gravitation had been confirmed!         🍎
Namely:                          🍏      the force of gravity acting between any two objects is
    inversely proportional to the    
  square of the separation distance between the object's centres

    F =  G m① m② / r × r

  • Author: Pearcemelville 卯升 (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 9th, 2022 00:30
  • Comment from author about the poem: Educational Historical Humorous
  • Category: Surrealist
  • Views: 5
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  • Bella Shepard

    Poetry written in the language of physics, but then physics is our whole existence. So much that you have covered is familiar, and I wish I could understand it all, but I'm content to know that it all exists and there are those people who never have, nor ever will stop the quest to learn all that is possible about everything. A challenging, but most enjoyable read, I've always liked a challenge.

    • Pearcemelville 兎敏

      Italo Calvino was my inspiration
      He gives persona to elementary particles A photon hurtling through
      space has eyes for another knowing their parallel paths will never cross He becomes anxious that another photon has similar feelings for her
      Cosmicomics Italo Calvino

      A favourite from this poem is about Newton
      I said chuck it at him didn't think it would have hit him in the head!

      It keeps growing with more descriptions of scientific discovery
      each verse standing as a poem itself Here is the link to the annotated version

      • Pearcemelville 兎敏

        • Bella Shepard

          Thank you dear friend , will definitely check it out! Italo Calvino sounds intriguing, will have to google him to.

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