Try To Remember

Bella Shepard

Notice of absence from Bella Shepard
After dealing with some health issues for the last few months, I have decided to take a leave of absence until the dust settles and the clouds go away. I feel badly that I have been absent so much, for I miss my friends. I hope to be back before too long. I also hope that all of you will all be safe and well.


Try to remember the years that were tender

When youth was not a dying ember


Try to remember as brain cells surrender

Where thoughts are fodder for the blender


Try to remember the room you did enter

And why you’re there, that thread so slender


Deep in your memory are things that were friendly

If you can retrieve them and hold them steady


Things that were easy will now make you queasy

The strain alone can make you wheezy


Neural connections will give you perplexions

And thoughts of old are sad reflections


When was it last I remembered the past

That chasm now seems dark and vast


I see a face, the name I can’t think

It’s there on my tongue, right on the brink


Then tomorrow at noon it will suddenly emerge

A burst from my mouth as the planets converge


This gradual slow down I accept with grace

I know my brain has slackened its pace


The good side is I’m not plagued by unease

But can someone please tell me, where are my keys?

  • Author: Bella Shepard (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 24th, 2022 08:12
  • Comment from author about the poem: Driving one day I was listening to \\\"Try To Remember\\\" from the Fantasticks, and the first line of this poem popped into my head. So I figured, since I\\\'m well past middle age, and heading down that road any way, why not have some fun with it.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 34
  • Users favorite of this poem: verona
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  • orchidee

    Good write Bella.

  • Bella Shepard

  • Rozina

    I know this song. I sang your lines to the tune. Very nice.

    • Bella Shepard

      Thank you Rozina, I can't get the tune out of my head.

    • MendedFences27

      " Let me tell you Bella, they're most likely there in your pocketbook." I have lived this poem. It was like looking in a mirror. Well written and an amusing read. Just the other day, I went downstairs to fetch a book I left on my desk, got distracted and had to make three trips.
      Your poem hit home for me. Liked the rhymes. Enjoyed the entire read. - Phil A.

      • Bella Shepard

        Thank you Phil, so glad you enjoyed. Funny how you gradually adapt and have a good laugh on yourself now and then.

      • Goldfinch60

        True words Bella, we can remember those wonderful times but where the keys are can be quite a problem, like the question of why did I come up stairs?


        • Bella Shepard

          Thank you Andy. I often go back to where I started but that doesn't always work. I figure if it's important enough it will come back, and if not, oh well.

        • sorenbarrett

          Bella I loved this write and its humorous but sad focus on old age and memory. My memory too is not what it used to be, but then I just kid myself that it is because of all the junk I've stored upstairs over the years. Great poem.

          • Bella Shepard

            Thank you my friend for your kind words. Aging is a part of life, and as I experience it I find it's not so bad. I get perks for being a senior and I just write myself more notes so I don't forget things. And dear poet, as for the junk that you've stored upstairs over the years, it sure produces some great poetry!

          • rrodriguez

            Excellent flow and thought pattern. Thank you for sharing it with us.

          • Pearcemelville 兎敏

            Your thoughts laid out well
            Smooth flow
            Ageing can be fraught with duch sentiment
            For balance, as all is not in vain, another side which you alsi may have experienced

            Freedom from nonsensical worry
            To not matter is 解放,
            what is the word liberation
            He is bothering me turns to
            he was bothering me
            Relax enjoy enjoy some more
            sleep perhaps sleepsomemore

            • Bella Shepard

              I agree wholeheartedly. There is a true freedom of mind and soul with aging. And when something that should be familiar slips my mind, I can simply smile and go on my way. Thank you dear friend for your very wise word.

            • verona

              love the final lines, had to laugh

              • Bella Shepard

                Thank you Verona, glad it gave you a chuckle. Thank you so much for the fav. Please forgive the delayed response. My husband and I have been on vacation and just got back. I was able to see your comment on my cell, but couldn't figure out how to respond on the darn thing. So goes the aging brain, oh well.

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