

I used to feel a war within myself.

I couldn't find my home.

I felt so nomadic.

Making a home everywhere.

Blending in everywhere.

A foreigner of many lands.

Even my dna supports this.

Never enough to call it home.

Always detaching once I felt called away.

So image how it felt to find it.

Then have it taken away.

The feeling so foreign.

Being called back over and over.

But resisting the urge.

Fearful the home is foreign now.

Lands change over time.

It's a fact time waits for no one.

Thinking I could replicate it.

Never feeling right.

It's not the home I want.

It's not the home I felt tied to.

Time never changed the longing.

Time never changed the fear.

Bottom line fate can be cruel.

So now I travel the ocean.

One with the water.

Right between my home and I.

Finding peace in the stillness.

  • Author: Destiny\'s Perspective (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 25th, 2022 23:17
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 25
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  • Nicholas Browning

    Finding peace in the stillness, eh. Gotta say I enjoyed the read. It's got a nice theme to it. What is peace to you if you don't mind me asking? And what home is it that you're looking for?

    • DestinysPerspectives

      Thank you! Peace to me is learning to move forward in life and healing ugly emotions from the past. Accepting the fact that you can't go back to the good but you can cherish the memories. Home to me is a place with people that make me feel seen and heard. We all just click like we were always meant to meet. Like a wolf pack. Lol. In this particular poem it was about a person. These days I feel like a lone wolf just not clicking with the same people I once did. It really is terrible to admit great things have a expiration date but I am learning to cling to what doesn't work anymore just takes away what was good.

      • Nicholas Browning

        Hey, good on you for overcoming obstacles. It's always a bitter pill to swallow that things aren't going to work out forever. l agree with you on that. A wolf pack? lol. That's a nice way to put it. But even then sometimes we don't notice the members of those packs aren't always going to remain there. Freedom is a concept, sure. But isn't it a nice one to think about? I think home would be a nice place if it's what you want it to be. Thanks for taking the time to respond. Much appreciated.

      • 3 more comments

      • Crowns4Christ

        This is very good Destiny, I can definitely relate

        • DestinysPerspectives

          Thank you! I wrote it earlier today. I felt it was relatable and something I've been processing. You find the real answers about things when you just write while coping with emotions. It's why I love poetry it lead me to healing instead of ignoring the past. It's also allowed me to grieve everything and find peace with it the best I can. It's been a very long time coming and the best part out of all of this is that it also helps others who relate.

          • Crowns4Christ

            That's where mine come from also, from deep within my heart and soul

          • Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose)

            I like your poem destiny .. you know I think home can be many things .. it can even be that safe nice centre in ourselves , finding a place of warmth and acceptance .. or even we can feel at home also with a connection or another person

            I especially like your last few lines.. finding peace in the stillness . I love the feeling of β€˜ peace

            • DestinysPerspectives

              Thank you! I love your definition of what a home can be! 😁

              • Violet bluebell( used to be yellow rose)

                Yeah , I guess it’s difficult to find our comfortable happy space sometimes .. either in ourselves or in the world .. sometimes we simply feel like things are wrong )

              • 6 more comments

              • L. B. Mek

                a lovely unfurling of your searching thoughts
                worded, wonderfully poetic..
                (personally, I try and find my peace
                from within
                and have its embers, ready
                to be reignited
                whenever, those storms of life
                find me..
                Home, at least for me
                is somewhere, within
                we take it with us, wherever
                we roam and hover
                if we can't, settle that Home
                from within
                however serene, our surroundings
                we can never
                find a place, to feel like Home..)
                a wonderful read, thanks for sharing

                • DestinysPerspectives

                  Thank you for your brilliant poetic commentary! Yes home can be found within. I wish I wasn't at war within. Maybe I would find it then?

                  • L. B. Mek

                    or the warring, is a guide to that home, you're destined for?
                    sorry for your troubles, stay strong!
                    thanks for sharing

                  • 1 more comment

                  • Distant View

                    Some people have a restless spirit and feel the urge to constantly move on. I'm not really like that, but I can appreciate the fact that we are all different and we have to find our own destiny in life.

                    • DestinysPerspectives

                      Some souls are put through some harder lessons than others making them restless because the free fall of restrictions places them farther from the true place they were meant to call home. It's life's truest tragedy in my eyes. Some people find the strength to overcome those restrictions while others never do. I'd like to think I am one of those with the strength inside to over come them. Some days I would love to lye in defeat but I plan to win the battle between my head and heart. I hope one day we have a common spirit that is still.

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