A Stranger's City


folded sheets, glasses cracking

a row of bags, waiting to get in

the forgotten candles, a wooden shelf of books

the running clock, delaying tears

we got on a road to the stranger's city, a colourful world, black and white within

waking up to walls like an empty street on a curfew night, stuck to the bed as from where it starts from where it begins

this stranger's city is a fascination, as we hover the tall buildings in daydreams, but a denial as i breathe the air

the footprints on the road, will it ever remember? like my city with a cherished memory

as i pack the bags back to return to 'my' city, i take the same old me and not a stranger from stranger's city

not mine, not yours, but a stranger's cityfolded sheets, glasses cracking
a row of bags, waiting to get in
the forgotten candles, a wooden shelf of books
the running clock, delaying tears
we got on a road to the stranger's city, a colourful world, black and white within
waking up to walls like an empty street on a curfew night, stuck to the bed as from where it starts from where it begins
this stranger's city is a fascination, as we hover the tall buildings in daydreams, but a denial as i breathe the air
the footprints on the road, will it ever remember? like my city with a cherished memory
as i pack the bags back to return to 'my' city, i take the same old me and not a stranger from stranger's city
not mine, not yours, but a stranger's city

  • Author: khushi (Offline Offline)
  • Published: April 28th, 2022 03:32
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 32
  • User favorite of this poem: Milind Gautam.
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  • ChrisLyn🕊


    • khushi

      thank you

    • Rocky Lagou

      Your imagery is actually splendid. WELCOME to the MPS community and I can't wait to see what else you'll deliver. This sensation of being "out of place" or "not belonging" really transmits in your words. With that "colorful" city seemingly bright, yet inside it's "black and white." You'll go far.

      • khushi

        thanks a ton for such heartwarming words 🙂

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