Natural CURTAINS !!

Vamsi Sudha

Eye lids, natural curtains for the eyes
They are the savior of our priceless Eye(I)
As night sets in 
And when the drama of the day ends
They naturally droop, to drop off 
Sunlight triggers them, to open automatically
For a bright and focusing day
But at times of the day, 
Let the natural curtains be closed intentionally 
When the deep inner world, is being explored 
And when the Eye turns inward for the "I" !!

  • Author: Vamsi Sudha (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 19th, 2022 02:07
  • Comment from author about the poem: Thoughts in my meditation !!
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 20
  • Users favorite of this poem: Rocky Lagou, spilleronsheet
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  • ProfessionalPaperDigester

    I've always had problems with ripping curtains. Maybe that's why I cant meditate.

    • Vamsi Sudha

      Dear Poet , time when the curtains are closed and that's when eye turns inward. You would surely be able to do it.

    • L. B. Mek

      intriguingly, thought provoking..
      thank you! dear Poet

      • Vamsi Sudha

        Thanks Dear Mek ! your comments always awaited and appreciated.

      • Rocky Lagou

        Literally glorious! Such a clever metaphor for our eyelids. I feel that one is most connected to their true selves when they're doing what they love. So for some that can be meditation, and for others it can be things like writing poetry. The homophone you presented as well with the "eye" and the "I" is so smart. Wonderful!

        • Vamsi Sudha

          Thanks Rocky !! Yes true meditation is surely meditation when the all the senses are focused at one point called the "Expression of Creativity" .
          Thanks for observing the "I". There's lot of scientific base to it, some other day will get to it...:)

        • spilleronsheet

          This is so true dear Vamsi…thanks for reminding, i have been missing this ritual nowadays and that’s causing a tremendous backlash for me…a beautiful metaphor and cleverly crafted lines….

          • Vamsi Sudha

            Dear Spiller, Its the need of hour for you. Get to 10min of meditation and see your would excel beyond your imagination. thanks for your wonderful comments as usual.

            • spilleronsheet

              I will do this from this instant….

            • Rozina

              Very clever and lovely lines. Super read.

              • Vamsi Sudha

                Dear Rozina, thank you dear !!

              • SureshG

                When we withdraw behind those curtains, so as not be distracted by the visual, we allow light to shine on the inner knowledge, as are yours words of wisdom

                • Vamsi Sudha

                  Yes Dear Poet. thanks for stopping and commenting.

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