What You Will


Tune: St Francis Xavier

('My God, I love thee, not because')

Based on a prayer by Charles de Foucauld,

a 19th Century monk (1858-1916).


Father, I myself abandon

To you and to your Son

Myself into your hands, do what

You will with me, my lot


I thank you, whate'er you may do

It shall be my good true

I ready for all, accept all

Help me now hear your call


Let only your will be done in

Me, and forgive my sin

And let your will be done in all

Your creatures great and small


I wish no more than this, O Lord

O guide me by your word

Your way to go, your voice to heed

And hear the prayers I plead

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 11th, 2022 02:25
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in format. St Francis Xavier, the hymn-writer, was bit harsh once. Jesus says 'Whoever loves father, mother, family, etc more than me, is not worthy of me'. When Francis went off on missionary work, he did not say goodbye to his mother, who was with those who saw him leave. He just went off, seemingly ignoring her.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 12
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  • orchidee

    It's spaced this out more than I intended. Not worked out how to fix it.

  • Neville

    there's just gotta be a moral here somewhere .. maybe its not the only thing spaced out .. I told you to double up on the orange pill before bed and leave the blue ones alone for a week or two ... that'll teach you .......................... Neville

    • orchidee

      Thanks N. lol. Does it appear spaced out on your computer?
      Meanwhile - bit naughty of St Francis, not saying goodbye to poor ole Mum. He just dashed off. I'm Jesus wouldn't have minded him saying goodbye. Maybe St F. got fanatical?

    • Goldfinch60

      Good one Orchi.

      • orchidee

        Thanks Gold.

      • DestinysPerspectives

        This is very well written!

        • orchidee

          Thanks DP.

        • Serlina Rose

          Beautiful. I took this prayer to be so much more. Thanks for sharing

          • orchidee

            Thanks SR.

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