Dark Waters



Every time i step

into a lake, river, and the ocean

I feel like i'm 

Stepping into Dark Waters.

I always feel like

I'm surrounded by something

mysterious people

Shrug it off and they call me 


But what happens if its

something viscious something 

scary now all of us should be


Someone could go under the

Water and dissapper

And we all look around

Hoping they reappear .

Every time i step into the lake the river and the ocean

I feel like i'm stepping into 

Another dimension but in reality 

Im stepping into 

Dark Waters.


  • Author: kurtis77 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 27th, 2022 18:46
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 18
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  • Raven333

    Can't believe I stumbled on to this poem, because I so can identify. I absolutely hate the water for that fact. If something touches me I freak out so I don't go. great poem!!

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