For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.
- 2 Timothy 1:7
I am not a faggot.
Nor am I the slimy serpent ceaselessly slithering in your brain.
Though you may paint me that way,
I am not the dirt under your filthy boots.
I come from the furnace of affliction.
I am forged by the beating hammer –
Thump! Dross! Drop!
I shed your bigotry like God does the world.
We are pilgrims with a purpose,
All of us – united by our nature.
So even if we are not written down in history,
We will go down in history for our love, natheless.
We are all conferred the same divine commission.
We are all wonderfully and fearfully designed.
So, halt this hindering hatred!
Who are we to censor another?
Driving down the twinkling highway,
Down the golden-paved lane,
Each according to their virtue.
This billboard is the pearl-studded gate.
Rocky Lagou (
- Published: January 9th, 2023 11:19
- Comment from author about the poem: It's been a while since I've written a human rights piece. This one was inspired by the Florida movement nearly a year ago to ban "woke indoctrination" in schools. As a result, state legislators were fiercely attacked and a certain organization that was against the ban set up billboards in different parts of Florida decrying the move. They still stand today, proud and strong, and it is a message for equality. There is still intense opposition to the queer community rampant throughout all the world. But I believe that injustice will be dealt with accordingly by the One who has the final say.
- Category: Sociopolitical
- Views: 52
- Users favorite of this poem: L. B. Mek
Hear hear my friend ..
I wholeheartedly agree & your summing up authors note say's it all ............ Neville
Hello Neville, I'm really glad to hear your thoughts. As a gay person myself, I find it so hard to maneuver in a world that suppresses us to death. But people like you help me keep the faith. I believe that better days are up ahead.
You are much more than merely welcome, I have long held my fingers crossed for that eventuality my dear RL ..
This, dear Rocky, is such a powerful work, and the billboard such a powerful tool. All who travel the road must see it. It stands as a symbol of solidarity and pride which are the bedrock of societal change. I would say it is ignorance that plagues us, but ignorance can be taught. It is willful ignorance and all too often sheer stupidity that drags us down. Stupidity stands on shaky ground, and it will finally crumble under its own weight. I love your voice, your steadfast heart, your beautiful soul, and those who can't see that are to be pitied for their blindness.
AHhh, Bella, your words are literally divine! I can tell that you write from a place of pure love and built-in wisdom. "It stands as a symbol of solidarity and pride which are the bedrock of societal change." Oh my Lord, I couldn't have said it better myself. I totally agree with your points; discrimination is most definitely the tormenting emanation of ignorance. Thank you for receiving me and my poetry with such an open heart, your compliments are like fireflies that eternally indwell within me.
I love the use of religion in bringing this poem straight towards the heart like the piercing arrow it is. It is often those that preach to "love thy neighbor" and that "everyone sins" that condemn the believed sin we in this beautiful community have learned to call love.
HELLO JOAN! Thank you for your heartfelt response. You literally encapsulated what I was trying to go for with that metaphor, "piercing arrow." It's exactly that, a wake-up call, and a brusque one at that. I love to incorporate religion as I feel that Christians are often the culprits of such discriminatory acts. But in the heart of the Christian faith we are taught to love one another regardless of superficial qualities (like sexual orientation.) So I can't help but preach a message about equality without calling upon divinity as well; they're intrinsically entwined.
Who indeed are we to be judge of anything Rocky - your outcry is heard by those worldwide who will not hide under the collar of anti-love thinking. Well put this human rights piece and am so glad to have caught it my friend.
Hello beloved Fay, it is so lovely to hear from you. You are literally such a sage and enlightened poet, it would be remiss of me to not call you one of my muses. I am beyond thrilled to see that this poem could connect with you, especially with it's deep and pertinent topic. I just believe that everyone deserves to feel comfortable in their own skin, and no-one should have to suffer the consequences of narrow-minded hatred. I pray for better days to come, hopefully.
Rocky – as usual you have turned great lines in support of something you passionately believe in – good for you.
I also have a crying need to inject some reality into the situation. ‘Sorry to be a party pooper.
I personally have never understood why people should have such bigotry about other people’s lives. (The only twinge I’ve ever had is if I knew a nice, sweet woman of my acquaintance was gay and wished she wasn’t – although the likelihood would have been she wouldn’t fancy me anyway!)
So, general principal would be provided their beliefs, activities or whatever don’t affect me – get on with it. However, let’s not pretend that Christians are free of such prejudices when the bible has prohibitions about same sex relations. Let’s argue in the human rights, social justice arena.
Hello Dave, it is great to hear from you. Thank you for considering this poem and for your appreciation. I totally agree with your input, Christians are oftentimes guilty of such prejudices mentioned, and I totally understand that. However, I am a person who draws inspiration greatly from divinity. So, it’s almost second nature for me to incorporate religious allusions to my human rights poems. Most Christians are guilty of homophobia, but there are surprisingly a lot as well who are in favor of us. I recommend you read the following article that has helped me understand the division between Christians and the LGBTQ community:
Thanks Rocky for considering my contribution seriously and hope you won’t mind a response here.
Two points:
I did follow the link you supplied. I can see the writer has gone to considerable lengths to contextualize those problematic statements in the Old Testament which are seen as disapproval or worse of same sex physical relationships. Done by pointing out that they were relevant to the times. True – they were very different times, so why bother with them at all? Irrelevant to us, I’d say.
Come off the grass – There is no ‘second Nature’ when you use poetry, as well as any other means of communication. The composition is (or should be) a very conscious act in which you have a clear vision of what you want to say, how you want to say it and to whom. If you are directly addressing Christians here, then good luck - get on with it. If however, your Human Rights poems are directed to a wider audience as well, then less second nature and more deliberation …..I’d advise.
Keep trucking, Rocky – you have plenty talent and a good heart.
Good work Rocky, happy new year, as a gay christian I appreciate the peice, take care, poet on.
Happy New Year Dean! Thank you so much for your support and input. Shoutout to all the gay Christians
What a intro
thx Ok! You're the best!
Your cry for justice is heard loud and clear! I LOVED this piece because many in my close inner circle are gay or bi and how many times were they taunted? Very relatable. Hope to see you writing more!
Love you Christina! You never fail to put a smile on my face.
'We are all conferred the same divine commission.'
an exemplary lesson
in how to repurpose and utilise
our rage
(I read and learn
dear cherished Poet
thank you!)
Ahh!! I can't contain my enthusiasm! You're truly such a special soul
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