'fare ye well' kind friends
When they unleashed
Almost all of humanity’s entire worth
In but a click of our ‘Google-iT’ trappings
Making autodidact sages of us all, overnight
It occurred to me, almost like
When a 2800 Chess GM, happens
To bait you with a ‘free’ piece
On that quicksand chequered board
Something, doesn’t quite add up
Even we pitiful Pawns of existence
Nothing, is offered for free in life
So then, behold
Open sourced A.I. as ‘their’ grand reveal
ChatGPT and all its descendants to come
Dawning of that illusive
‘Fifth Element’
Coded, by fallibility’s fingers
When studying Computer Science
I laughed out loud, even back then
See, they have courses on binding laws
Do’s and don’ts, literature
Wishful hopes of controlling a species
Whose penchant for self-annihilation
Is surpassed by only an irrational zeal
To welcome its own subjugation state
Be it by fantastical deities or bank accounts
Thus we watch-on, entrusting
In Asimov’s Sci-Fi Robotic laws
As mirages
While our impending technological implosion
Is realised, faster
Every few months, just as Moore’s law predicted
Open source A.I.
In and of itself is just another obstacle
Of propaganda scaremongering fallacy
For society to overcome, eventually
Something like Crypto currency
No dear friends
What’s truly sobering and horrific
To contemplate
Is that, they’re already investing
In personalised, embedded A.I.
To be marketed as a defence
Open sourced A.I.
Do you too, recognise a pattern
An insidiously depraved, trend
Categorising us all, collectively
As mindless cattle, we herded fuel
For capitalism’s callous reign
Paying rent to be caged in our rooms
Driven by fear of laboratory
Concocted, viruses
Then having conglomerates, force us
To pay for their vaccines, with tax hikes
Maybe, like a Coronavirus plague
Dictating a way of life, overnight
While those profiteering
Politicians and pharmaceuticals
Smile, all the way to the bank
Skipping and frolicking, hand in hand
They did it with viruses, attacking
Our biological states
Now, with opened sourced A.I.
They’re coming for our cognitive
Capacity, to think freely
They want to put chips in our minds
They’re going to make us beg them
To do it
Can you feel, just how impossibly
A future we’re free falling in-to
With eyes, shut-wide
I pity those generations to come, for our
Nihilistically, Apathetic
Crimes, insuring a legacy of choice deprived
Lives, for them…
Dear brethren, we must awaken! Please
Advanced technology, is a certainty
There is no need to fear it or dislike it
Yet we must be more aware of those
Recycled patterns, abused to herd us
In-to making choices, unaware
of their full, Repercussions
Brexit, needs to be an oddity
Not an event repeated every decade
Tis not too late
For us, collectively
To avoid this fate!
© L. B. Mek
January 2023
L. B. Mek (
- Published: January 30th, 2023 02:44
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 53
- Users favorite of this poem: Doggerel Dave, 𓆩Mase𓆪
L.B. or should I now call you Isaiah? Yes I have seen it too Ted Kaczynski was much more right than society wanted to believe. Much of modern technolgy has come from Sci-fi all the way back to Jules Vern. Are we becoming a part of the Matrix. It would appear so. Great write L.B.
thank you kind friend, its kinda crazy
to contemplate, yet still:
(a little awareness, a tad inquisitiveness
and the patterns utilised to make us feel
inept, at life
becomes so easy to recognise, to realise
we're far from helpless, we need only
disseminate our knowledge and believe
humane goodness, will ever prevail
over our self-hindering, fallibility!
'They' too, are a part of us
however vile their motives and actions
still, we must fight
keep alive our humane legacies
only together
can we survive: each other...!)
but what do i know
What a deadly cocktail: herding of humans, abuse and recycled patterns. Something dark and fearful looming before us.
only it's not a scripted movie
we may yet still, alter the path
of that impending avalanche
'in hope we entrust!'
(thank you! dear poet
glad you could relate)
I often wonder where we would all be today if Nostradamus & Mother Shipton each sat down together with their lap tops open .. nice one Mek
or the Oracle of Delphi, that would make it three
on second thoughts
Shakespeare may have foreseen
such a scene
Three 'witches' looking in to the future
gleaning the onset of humanity's, endless:
'Double Double, Toil and Trouble'
how predictable, we be Hyung
sorry for the long read
thank you! for your wise words)
Loud applause LB. for this well researched and powerful outcry for more awareness of society's free-falling into a bleak future. Without even knowing it too if chips in minds reaches reality. That kind of dictatorship is beyond appalling so before it is too late everyone seeing it needs to stand up and be counted. Thanks dear poet friend for spelling it out so clearly.
we're all in the same boat, dear Fay
I truly value your interpretation
utilising these scribble, as ammunition
towards curating your preparedness state
there is a poise
in your comment, a wisdom of acceptance
while stating our need to fight till the end
a most powerful mindset
that I too, strive to cultivate someday...
I read and heed, thank you my friend
No wish to engage here Mek, but just to add that I've read it, appreciated it and taken it seriously.
He that sits in the heavens shall laugh.
(I hope not
if there be an almighty, may it be
residing in that all knowing gaze
offering a path
so we may amend our ways, before
it's too late)
thanks for commenting
hope you liked the read dear poet
I've enjoyed everything of yours I've read. I am not a poet, maths was my best subject and I only just passed. All work will be tested by fire, what we write, our true desire. It's there for all to see, my hope? Well, what will be, will be, a better world.
how very kind
I don't know much
but I think, if you're not
somewhat a poet, it's rare
to find worth in poetry..
write free, word your sincerity
be it rage or kindness, let it all out
in ink
never compare yourself to others
poetry is our observations, revealed
and there is no poetry, as insightful
as the math in our universe
maybe in a future
when we glean, that '1/137' wisdom
then we can start writing some real
till then, let us all scribble freely
dear poetic kin
I take that as a compliment, I think? Songs in the night, who gives them away, words spoken to us, what is at play, someone calling. But wisdom is vindicated by all her children.
You too my friend are not sleep at all.
"They're going to make us beg them to do it"
I agree . this whole poem/letter says, There are woke people out there to me and I gotta say be safe out there. They're putting the crazy in plain sight now.
pure madness...!
thanks for the supportive comments, dear Poet
glad you enjoyed the read
please forgive my opinionated rant below
(we've got planned city segregations
on the way, now
15min planning directives, to insure
future generations
are socialist-enclosed, within their
covid, was just a beginning
what they have planned for our futures
is that true Plague, to be weary of...
Spring's on the way
they've yet to put a price tag on Nature
till they do
let's try to make the best of what we've got left
this ain't a war, we can win
unless we want to murder, dehumanise
our best friends, sisters and brothers
our differences
no longer have country borders
it's bedroom, to bedroom
may the universe have mercy on us)
Amen, I agree 100% my friend.
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