Candlemas Communings


Tune: Laos Deo

('Bright the vision that delighted')

Luke 2 v.25-32

Candlemas (Feb 2) - The Presentation of the child Jesus,

aged 40 days, in the Temple.


Lord, now let your servant depart

In peace, desire of my heart

I have seen in your child Jesus

Born a Saviour unto us


So said Simeon in Temple

He did true hear the Lord's call

That he would not this earth leave till

God His promise did fulfil


'Twas that Simeon would see clear

The Lord's Christ, Anointed, dear

Simeon took Him in his arms

Gone now any doubts or qualms


He said, My eyes they have now seen

Your salvation, Lord, between

You and man you have provided

Salvation, as you have said


You have your Son prepared before

The face of all peoples, for

He a light to Gentiles lighten

Israel's glory revealed then

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 2nd, 2023 02:53
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in format for today.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 12
  • Users favorite of this poem: BlessedbyGod
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  • Fay Slimm.

    Good read Orchi. Clearly written the account of Simeon's encounter with the Christ child.

    • orchidee

      Thanks Fay. There's Anna too, an old prophetess. She gets a mention also.

    • arqios

      And the wonder of those that are disposed like Anna on the tail end of Simeon that Fay had already kindly mentioned.

      • orchidee

        Yes, thanks CB. We're not told any actual words of Anna. Some prophetesses words are recorded though in the Bible.

      • Neville

        I hit the like button by accident when reaching across the desk for a paper clip .. too tired to hit it again 🙂

        • orchidee

          Ohh, you can 'like' it every day!
          As I do - 'like' me own poems every day. Do I?? (will anyone ever know if we 'like' our own poems?! heehee).
          And can you beat a candle, like you can beat an egg? I've wandered off into talking rubbish now!

          • Neville

            I can honestly say that I have never liked a single one of my own scribbles & can also state here and now that I never shall 🙂

            • orchidee

              But are you liking what you write? Not meaning ticking the 'like' box! Or are ya crumpling up pages of poems and chucking 'em out?
              I can safely say I've 'liked' every one of my poems! heehee. (Have I?).

            • Bella Shepard

              I can imagine Simeon's joy, holding this beautiful baby, so full of promise and hope. Lovely write dear Orchi.

              • orchidee

                Thanks Bella. This is not Infant baptism, but that in some places can be farcical. Some just have their baby 'done' but it does not mean much to them.

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