Cross Before Crown


Tune: Gute Baume Bringen = bringing good trees

('Christian, dost thou see them?')

Luke 9 v.23-26


Jesus said to people

Even unto all

If anyone will come

After me, I some

Words [to say], If come after me

Let this bearing be

Of you, take up your cross

Daily, to self loss


For whoever will save

Their life, path will pave

Unto loss, but whoso

Lose their life, this know

Losing life for my sake

They shall save it, take

Of my own life, and live

With power I give


For what advantage is

If gain whole world, this

No benefit, if such

Lose themselves thus much

Or they may be off cast

World's pleasures not last 

But in self-denial

Partake Christ's life full


For whosoever shall

Be ashamed, know well

Of me of my words, they

Shall find in that day

When I return, shall come

Take my people home

I shall too be ashamed

[Of they] Who have me disdained

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: March 13th, 2023 03:09
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in format. Some extra words added to the short lines, so as to make sense.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 18
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  • Doggerel Dave

    Good write, orchi............................................. even if I cannot make head nor tail out of any of it...............................🙂

    • orchidee

      Thanks Dave.

      • Doggerel Dave

        Good response, orchi.

        • orchidee

          I could have said - no thanks Dave. lol.

          • Doggerel Dave

            Could you? I could have endorsed your freedom of choice, LOL.

            • orchidee

              Well, one poet somewhere went through a load of poems, and commented on each one: 'I don't care much for this'. Doh!
              Another poet nicked other's words - plagiarising. Sounds like 'plaguing'. He incurred poet's wrath. What made it worse was that he also posted a pic of himself alongside the poem - the bare-faced cheek of it!

              • Doggerel Dave

                It's a place full of delinquents, this MPS, isn't it? Are you suggesting we put the cleaners through it??

                • orchidee

                  It was not on this site, that 'plaguey' guy. But I had to set Fido on him, to bark fiercely at him, for nicking other poets words! He will never do it again, as Fido was very fierce. lol.

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    So this place is tickety-boo, you reckon?

                    • orchidee

                      Well, there's only me lurking about. That's all ya gotta be worried about! lol.
                      I got no crown for ya either, not personally. lol.

                      • Doggerel Dave

                        Only you lurking? Wot happened to all the rest? Don't bother with the crown (thanks for the offer) I like to travel light...

                      • Goldfinch60

                        Good one Orchi.

                        • orchidee

                          Thanks Gold.

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