Treading The Path Of Life

Bella Shepard

Treading the path of life

We must look for goodness

Whose dying embers are strewn along the way

They are there, faintly glowing

Let us gently fan them

Bringing them back to life

That they may become steady flames

Growing together and giving us light

Guiding us through fear, hatred, and division

All the things that diminish our souls

Look for the embers, and tend them well

For we are the custodians

Of what will be


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  • orchidee

    Good write Bella.

  • Bella Shepard

    Thank you my friend, I always appreciate you reading.

  • Neville

    I enjoyed todays offering two days late .. but nevertheless, I enjoyed it tremendously .. Neville

  • Bella Shepard

    Thank you Nev, for taking time to read and comment, always appreciated.

  • sorenbarrett

    So well said. Like fire itself, we can not afford to let them go out. They bring the warmth that brings comfort to life and provide us with the tools that enable us to nurish ourselves and make the tools necessary for further advancement.

    • Bella Shepard

      Thank you dear friend, your words are wise and so much appreciated.

    • Parisab

      Let there be light! Great descriptive build up-I wonder if you find Mary Oliver’s work inspirational.

      • Bella Shepard

        I just read Mary Oliver''s "Blue Iris" and have a request in at the library for "Devotion". Her love of nature is spellbinding in her poetry. So glad to share this.

      • L. B. Mek

        life-affriming poetry, at its accessible
        (sunrays, transmuted as lava heat
        echoes of existence embers
        we traverse paths, engraved
        by ashes of nourishing graveyards
        hopes and wishes, as legacy
        paving our own cyclic paths
        wisdom as our guide, allowing us
        season's of blooming, breath
        and then, back we join that chorus
        of energy embers, in waiting
        for another chance, to get it right..)

        • Bella Shepard

          Dear friend I am truly honored and humbled by your generous words. You capature the essence of what I was thinking, in many ways surpassing. Your comments always inspire me, thank you! Your fav is most appreciated.

        • arqios

          Like the Sun by day and the Moon and Stars by night light is essential to life and the soaring of the soul. Good thing that embers catch and spread, anything that is flammable can be ignited so as to keep the flame alive.

          • Bella Shepard

            Thank you for this beautiful comment dear friend, let us always share the light!

          • Rocky Lagou

            Omg this is divine!!! Bella, your analogy of these "embers" paint such a vivid picture of the hope we must sustain while treading through life's tribulations. I adore this poem. You're words never fail to resonate on such a deep level.

            • Bella Shepard

              You are the sweetest my dear, I value that deep, understanding nature of yours, always such a pleasure to share words with you. I truly appreciate the fav.

            • 🐤s.zaynab.kamoonpuri🌷🐦😽

              A wonderful poem inspiring good and righteous sentiments, to fan the embers of goodness yayy. If everyone thought like that the world could be better for all. Kudos!!

              Plz also read and comment on my newest poem.

              • Bella Shepard

                I am most appreciative of your comments dear poet. I guess we all have to keep our own little flames burning in the best way that we can, it's worth the effort. Take care!

              • Pop64

                A wonderful depiction of the need to act, to tend to and be part of the goodness of the world. FFan them so they can grow and not put them out. A beautiful read.

                • Bella Shepard

                  I feel I share this space with a kindred spirit. Thank you so much for reading, your insightful comment is greatly appreciated.

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