When art is suppressed, there is only blue.
From the silent tears…there is only blue.
The artist inside does dare to write rhymes,
But pencils blunt; singers croon lonely blues.
Our books close shut, therefore, our mouths do, too.
No words, no tunes, and the face…slowly blue.
People push people, strip freedoms, ‘neath a
bland banner - no stars - just unholy blue.
Yet, Rocky, while above there’s fixed sky blue,
Below, we’re an ocean of boldly blue.
Rocky Lagou (
- Published: May 31st, 2023 09:47
- Comment from author about the poem: This poem arose from the artistic censorship that is going on around America; namely, the recent controversial decision of a Florida public school to remove Amanda Gorman's poem "The Hill We Climb" from the children's section of the school library. Surprisingly, this very incident occurred in the same school district as I am currently enrolled in, Miami-Dade County, and it's shocking to me being that I studied this exact same poem during my freshman year and now it is being banned because of our twisted politics. Besides silencing our (the poets') voices, children are losing the opportunity to think for themselves and to gain inspiration from these marvelous works of literature. It's sad to see that this isn't the only case of book banning, and there are many other schools, beyond Florida, that are falling in line. Artists deserve platforms, people deserve uncensored media. This is my first attempt at the Ghazal poetic form (with 5 couplets and a repeating refrain), and I hope it provokes you to think differently.
- Category: Sociopolitical
- Views: 27
- Users favorite of this poem: tattooedreverie, Reedweiwei
Good write Rocky.
Hi Orchi, thanks a bunch for your appreciation. I hope you could resonate with this poem, and hopefully derive some hope from it. There will always be a platform for poets who seek to inspire and revolutionize the world, we just need to seize the moment and ensure our positions are unshakeable. Have a blessed day!
Get out of there, Rocky.
Hi, Dave. I wish I could leave this school system…and even the entire state, but unfortunately, I’m stuck here for a while because of my family. I do hope to move someday soon, though, maybe further north or out of the country entirely! There is always change, however, and I believe a positive change can take place if people speak out against artistic censorship. Thanks for commenting, and I wish you a good day.
Go New York. Save hard - You'll need every penny! Take care of yourself.
Dearest Rocky I feel that I don't know my own country any more. This is rapidly becoming a dystopian nightmare of the worst kind. Life inevitably progresses forward, it's the only way time can move. Woe to those of little brain who think that they can conquer with meaningless dribble that only comes back to bite them in the end. The only bad part is that we have to live through the muck they create until people realize that the emperor has no clothes. Good for you! Raise your voice, as we all should do. God bless and hope you have a wonderful summer.
Hello beloved Bella, your words speak to the core of this poem. Our sociopolitical world seems to be on a steep decline, and the way you worded this comment truly highlights that. Although, as you note, "life progresses forward," and it is the truth; I just hope that it will progress in a positive direction. Thanks abundantly for your appreciation of my poem, and I can't wait to read more of your poetic marvels when I return from my break. Have a beautiful summer.
Censorship is sad. I have had several poems censored on other cites cue to a word or image they found offensive. It is frustrating that one can not express feelings in an artistic manner for fear of offending someone else. Is our wouild that fragil?
Hello good poet, I couldn't agree more with your words. It's as if our First Amendment rights just go to the trash. There's a lot of talk about freedom of expression, but when you try to express yourself in a way that might provoke others than it's a whole rough and tumble situation. How unfortunate that you've had to experience this censorship firsthand. But never stop writing the revolutionary poems that we're destined to share with the world. Take care and have a great summer.
Hi Rocky. I read your poem and I think it really strikes at the heart of the matter, with a really resounding title to it as well. Your technical know-how of the creative writing is also quite impressive. Well crafted and impressive!
Wow, it is so refreshing to see you in my comments again. Thanks abundantly dear poet, I am glad to see that you could resonate with this poem. I wanted to express a sort of collective grievance that I believe most poets, and writers in general, feel about publishing their works. Oftentimes you'll see how a writer's attempts to speak up about contentious issues results in their censoring. But, luckily, there are also many people working towards securing the freedom of expression that is rightfully ours. I am so delighted to see your appreciation. I hope you have a wonderful summer, and may your inspiration always lead you to become a better person.
Wow a powerful poetic clever lament against suppression of freedom of expression. Kudos!
Plz also read and comment my newest poem too.
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