What now, Love?

Magdalini Zonnios

I find it exhausting trying not to love you at all

I have so much love for you and I don't want to throw it away

But I also don't want to give it to you anymore


So instead I just hold onto it

I keep it in my pocket


When it gets heavy and pokes me I shuffle in my seat and squirm a little

People ask, "What's in your pocket?"

I say "Oh, just something I'm holding onto for a friend"


At night I leave it on my bedside table and hope it doesn't fall under my bed

If it does, even better


Friends don't like to see me carrying it around

They try to throw it away

They take it at night and hide it in a drawer, or throw it over a bridge


They do it for me, to set me free

In the morning I wake up though and there it is

Still safely in my pocket


It's okay though, it's not a burden 

I get so used to it that sometimes I forget it's even there

Until it burns again

Just a little


It doesn't mean harm

It's only a gentle reminder of my humanity

An ode to humility

To teach me that I can never be free of pain, only strong enough to bare it

  • Author: Magdalini Zonnios (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 6th, 2023 17:20
  • Category: Love
  • Views: 11
  • User favorite of this poem: Sealgair.
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  • L. B. Mek

    really well crafted
    a theme as poetic ambience and imagery
    adding to the intimate feel of your words
    a delightful read, thanks for sharing

  • Pop64

    imagine if a person could experience love without pain? truly no possible, so very smart in the concept of retaining the love, holding it, hopefully not to get hurt again, but yet keep it as a reminder. Wonderful read.

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