Beware Of A.I.

Bella Shepard

Beware of A.I.

That which has no emotion

Shows no compassion


  • Author: Bella Shepard (Pseudonym) (Online Online)
  • Published: July 16th, 2023 14:46
  • Comment from author about the poem: Just a thought.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 18
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  • sorenbarrett

    So true Bella. I have been concerned about this before it became popular. I have written a couple of pomes on it and continue to voice my anxiety about it, not so much for me but for my grand children. Now even those in charge of AI are voicing their concerns but I think we have gone too far to turn back.

    • Bella Shepard

      Thank you my friend for reading, and for your most welcome comments. I know what you mean about your grandchildren. I have 10 of them and I can't help but worry about the world they are going out into.

    • Ok Waleed

      Created by humans
      Who have emotions
      But an unbiased A.I can help

      • Bella Shepard

        Thank you my friend for your take on this dilemma. As with every technology that comes along, there is the good with the bad. Lets hope that those who manage it do so with the best of intentions and safeguards. A.I. can do great things, but in the wrong hands it can do great harm.

        • Ok Waleed

          Is too much information ever a bad thing? Or as they say “ignorance is bliss”

          • Bella Shepard

            Too much information is never a bad thing, and ignorance is dangerous. Take care my friend!

          • Goldfinch60

            So very true Bella - and many people believe it!


            • Bella Shepard

              You are so right my friend. There will too many people who want to believe it, if it reinforces their preconceived convictions. Thank you for reading, let's hope for the best. What else can we do?

              • Goldfinch60

                We can always think outside the box that some are trying to trap us in.


                • Bella Shepard

                  Stay vigilant my friend!

                • orchidee

                  Does A.I. only ever do what humans programme it to do? Scary, if not.
                  Machines - dalek are talking dustbins. lol.

                  • Bella Shepard

                    I guess dear Orchi that A.I. in its totality, could begin to learn and become sentient, that is very scary. The scariest part is that they will never have a soul, and all is dependent on the human beings who are or not managing it. Would that we could consign them to the distbin if they get too big for their pants.

                    • orchidee

                      You may know we have, in the UK, RishAI as P.M. - so they call him, robotic-like. Bozo, one of the 'clowns' is not P.M. now. What hope is there also, some folk say, with clowns running the country?!

                      • Bella Shepard


                        • orchidee

                          You got clowns or AI or what, running your country? Doh!

                          • Bella Shepard

                            If I have to be honest, we have morons running our country. At least there are times when clowns are laughable, ain't nothin' funny about morons. Poor us, huh?

                            • orchidee

                              I was suspicious about trusting that guy with that sort of hairstyle! - Trumpton Barnet (barnet = hairstyle) - or one that wears a rug on their head.
                              Note to self: Now come on, Orchi - you shouldn't judge by outward appearances. lol.

                              • Bella Shepard

                                Speaking of hairstyle, I've often seen the most ridiculous ones when on the evening news, when they stop someone on the street to get their view on something. If they'd known they would be on TV, maybe they would have toned it down. On the other hand, they may have looked in the mirror that morning and said "that's exactly the look I was going for, hope everyone gets to see it on TV". If so, I think they need a new mirror. Take care my friend, and keep me laughing!

                              • Neville

                                NO .. you got it all wrong .. THIS is not just a thought at all, it is META truth in a nut shell .. and probably one of the most meaningful 575's I have come across in a very long while .. Kudos .. Neville

                                • Bella Shepard

                                  Dearest Neville, a thousand thanks for your intuitive and though-filled comment. It scares me to think we may be headed for a dystopian nightmare of unbelievable consequences. This is something that I don't think anyone can wrap their head around. The bad actors of this world will not hesitate to use something so much more dangerous than WMDs. They will use confusion and manipulation, which is a lot more economical and pervasive. How do you combat a war of the minds?

                                  • Neville

                                    I don't know, in truth, it is way beyond me my friend .. Neville

                                  • L. B. Mek

                                    yeah, kinda scary
                                    how quickly, once theoretical
                                    are fast becoming our daily
                                    (I so relate, dear Poet)

                                    • Bella Shepard

                                      Thank you dear friend for your commen. The speed at which life changes with technology is staggering. People have become so atuned to the world of Facebook, TikTok, instgram and countless others, that I fear they will welcome A.I. with open arms, without thinking about the unforseen consequences. Even now they put personal information on these foremats that open them to fraud, identiy theft, and perhaps worst of all dangerous people, without a second thought. Let's hope that the nightmare will be made better in the light of day.

                                      • L. B. Mek

                                        the wisdom of these lines, will sadly
                                        stand the test of time
                                        we oft make of ourselves, that we fear the most:
                                        'that I fear they will welcome A.I.
                                        with open arms,
                                        without thinking about the unforeseen consequences.'
                                        (without thinking or willingly choosing
                                        to ignore the consequences)
                                        a toss up of our inherently obstinate fallible traits
                                        'I fear'

                                        • Bella Shepard

                                          "we oft make of ourselve, that we fear the most", truer words were never spoken. And as you also say, "without thinking or willingly choosing to ignore the consequences" is the bane of humanity. As the saying goes Hope Springs Eternal, let us hope we can be better than this. Take care my friend

                                        • Doggerel Dave

                                          Not to worry too much (but not too little either), Bella. It is human actors which will use this tool - it's still humans we should worry about. Forget the BS speculation that AI of its own volition will take over the world.... (which is not what you were saying, I know - but to listen to the commentary in the media ....aah!)

                                          • Bella Shepard

                                            It's getting difficult to even believe the media these days my friend. So many of the great discovries of our lifetime have been used in ways for which they were not intended, by human beings. On the other hand, great discoveries have led to the betterment of humankind. It's a double edged sword at best, and this is why we should be an informed public , rather than blindly accept what is put before us. To find balance we must all remain vigilant and engaged. I always enjoy your comments, nice to have a meaningful conversation. Take care dear Dave!

                                            • Doggerel Dave

                                              When I were a lad……. a very long time ago, the aphorism “believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see” was old even then. That, more than many so called ‘truths’ has stood the test of time and is never more appropriate than today.
                                              Keep on telling it like it is, Bella.

                                              (might do a verse on this one - if I can get my act together.....)

                                              • Bella Shepard

                                                Sounds like it would be a good verse to me!

                                              • Teddy.15

                                                I'm sure it has a good purpose for something's dear Bella, but personally I'm not a fan I find a hand shake and a hug or even just eye contact creates humans to be warmer. 💖 A fascinating subject

                                                • Bella Shepard

                                                  Thank you my dear, if we lose the warmth of human touch then what do we become? As always I appreciate your wonderful comments and thoughts. Take care!

                                                • Pop64

                                                  and without compassion, there goes the conscience and the understanding of good/bad. Stated with clarity of flow.

                                                  • Bella Shepard

                                                    You are absolutely right my friend, all the more reason to remain vigilant. I truly appreciate your comment, thank you!

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