If we are not wise compassion will be our demise (A thought)


In nature with all its wisdom, that which is weak dies

but as people, this no person sees

As humans we think that compassion is most wise

Though this is true for the individual it's not for the species


Is the value of the group worth more than any one life's demise

or an individual life worth more than the sum total of humanity?

Between the individual and species there must be a compromise

Individual charity balances nature's brutality

  • Author: sorenbarrett (Online Online)
  • Published: September 21st, 2023 05:35
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 6
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
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  • Teddy.15

    Such a wonderful subject personally I believe each individual is worth the same as another regardless to richness colour or education or job choice. The world we live in is of greed unfortunately. Ah you make a poetess think deeply. đź’–

    • sorenbarrett

      Thanks Teddy I appreciate your review and comments. yea I just get these thoughts once in a while and they just come out.

    • Goldfinch60

      Very good words soren, Nature is there for us all and compassion helps us see Nature in its true wonder.


      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks so much Gold I so agree nature is there for us all. We are nature we need a little larger view of compassion.

      • L. B. Mek

        I ask, my wise friend
        where do we curate
        a new generation's dreams
        school rooms
        war field bedrooms, or
        maybe just maybe
        in the hope we imbue, in ink
        in that black n white of imagination
        .. is that why poetry's legacy
        outshines, the fallibility of the Poet's
        voicing Poesy's truths
        maybe our world too
        can finetune an art
        from all that divisiveness
        and wide eyed ignorance
        maybe, by enduringly hopeful words
        like yours
        oh kind Poet and cherished friend
        thank you!

        • sorenbarrett

          Thank you friend for the seeing the deeper meaning in this scribble and life itself. Your reviews always see beyond the surface. If only humanity can see that our ethics need to evolve to answer growing world problems.

        • Doggerel Dave

          I don’t think we have evolved sufficiently to make that kind of choice, Soren.
          And the danger of articulating those kind of propositions is that the wrong people might take them up and run with them …Be careful….

          • sorenbarrett

            Thanks Dave I appreciate the concern and review but it is the most difficult questions that need to be talked about and not pretend that they don't exist. I agree we are probably not ready to answer this one yet.

            • Doggerel Dave

              Or even start the conversation. Where I live we have fairly recently had/having three issues up for general 'conversation': dying with dignity (voluntary euthanasia), gay marriage and currently an indigenous voice to Parliament. Now while two of these propositions were, partially in the case of the first, successful, there is little doubt that the conversations surrounding were/are extremely damaging to many people.

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