Notice of absence from L. B. Mek
'fare ye well' kind friends
'fare ye well' kind friends
The most troublesome person
To deal with in life
Is that individual, who after reading
a Single book
Chapter and verse, first syllable
to last Punctuation!
All the answers to existence, can
be found
In that Single book and all its depthless
Meanwhile, those of us
Who have read a few books
Books offering contrasting
Perspectives and opinions
On the same subject
Quickly, grasp
That all the libraries
in the world
Private and public
Barely, begin to scratch
At the tapestry of life’s complexities
let alone
The wondrous, minutia of existence’s
© L. B. Mek
September 2023
L. B. Mek (
- Published: September 25th, 2023 01:58
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 33
- Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15, LIZ, Poetic Dan
Your first stanza gave me a chuckle, there's always someone who knows best in every scenario. Love your last lines so true and I read very rarely simply because I like to make my own ideas. ❤️ happy Monday dearest Mek.
Every day I read the same sentence in the meditation's book and every day this sentence takes on a new meaning .
That's amazing 😍
"And further, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh."
'Universe, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.'
Because...."every mind is a world"--a lot of people have "knowledge"-but WISDOM--gives the individual the ability to USE that knowledge to actually understand and have insight...common sense. Doesn't matter how much knowledge we have if we can't grasp diversity. We're fools if we think we'll find all the answers in a single book...or a single experience for that matter.
Love this live beautiful!
'Every mind is a world
Every heart a universe
Every soul
A treasure when first born'
(who then, can judge
a superiority
when faced with such
ubiquitous commonalities)
How I admire your beautiful mind, dear Poet
you inspire me to greater heights, every time
with my little poetic replies
humbly I, Thank you! oh most cherished Queen
The value in reading many books is always awe inspiring Mek.
I know my wise friend
I complete a book convinced I've made progress
That I'm a little less ignorant
Then a chapter into the next book, I feel so clueless
A wonderful journey.
Thank you! Andy
so glad you could relate
There is always one, I know because I have been there. I was the one who in insecurity knew everything and was never wrong. Now I know nothing and not even sure of my own existence. So true L.B. Everything changes and can be seen from so many different perspectives. Most of what I was taught in school is now considered wrong and what is right today will probably be wrong tomorrow.
('Progressive retrograde'
What we once knew
Is now, our New...)
But hey, who cares
I'm convinced
Wisdom is a journey
not a destination
A manifestation of our capacity
for Humble open mindedness
'"I know that I know nothing"
we're all just experiencing/battling
with our own Socrate's Paradox
and trying to enjoy the ride...
Thank you!
for letting us journey together
my wise friend
Just say it like it is why dont'cha 👍
I learned from the BEST, Hyung! 🍻😎
Cheque's in da post
There is so much truth in your writing. I am an avid reader and love learning about all points of view. Dealing with those that are intellectually incurious are very frustrating and the book banners are the worse.
Well, I find it better to adopt
an 'each to their own' mentality
in life
so I don't mind, how
people accrue their knowledge
insta posts, tic toc or whatever they want
my only issue
is when they CHOOSE to remain ignorant
then blame you, for acquiring
a little knowledge in life
like adults, with that schoolroom mindset
where whoever puts their hand up
to answer the teacher's question
is demeaned and ridiculed..
I don't know
intelligence has so little to do with it
it's just engaging with reality
with our natural inquisitive nature
and having an interest in life
in nature's wondrous gifts
I can't fathom, how anyone
can just look at all of the living
happening all around them
and just CHOOSE to ignore it all
I really don't know?
(and book banners
are those who drive off cliffs
following SAT NAV instructions
I never give them a second's thought..)
The music is so fulfilling reading this!
A forever learner!
..and all the knowledge you can try to consume this life, you still wouldn't know half of it!
Love this!
Exactly dear Poet
'we forever learner's have to stick together'
Yes, music from culture's now sadly lost
to Modernity's historical
ignorance/cancellation campaigns..?!
We really do!
It's so tragic.. I'd say a bit of both..
Music like that has purpose.. most don't realize.. but those that know, know.. and that's all we need.
Golden words my friend! The wonderful journey of life should be one of learning and exploring, for there is no one way of anything. The inquisitive mind is flexible, where the rigid mind can easily break. I love the last stanza, in encapsulates our very existence.
'The inquisitive mind is flexible,
where the rigid mind can easily break.'
(I heartily drink from your wisdom of ink
dear cherished Poet, Perfectly summarised)
I read and learn, my wise friend
thank you!
And I continualy learn from the wisdom of your words, dear friend. I just love symbosis!
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