'fare ye well' kind friends
All of this, opportunistic backlashes
From modernity's toxic feminism, that’s
In-itself a warped
Betrayal of actual suffragette feminism
Has social media, full
of Spineless boys striking back girls
No! It’s not a reflection of your
No! It is never alright to strike
A girl of any age
Even, in retaliation
No matter her militant attitude
or levels of Provocation…
If you’re a man, and not a coward
you must learn
to manage confrontations
In different ways, to match
Individually differing situations
Violence must always be a last resort
Because only one type of violence
Solves a problem
When one of you is dead!
Every other type of violence
Intensifies and escalates a problem
From mere incident, to out of control
From war to a never ending
Generational travesty
Since violence, almost always
A continuous cycle of more
we have ‘soldiers’ parading
Naked civilian woman
As their war crime trophies
That’s how depraved
we Can All become
When caught-up in a cycle
of retaliatory Violence…
So we must all learn, observe
From the Real men, around us
Heed our societies wise lady’s
Understand those minutia nuances
In their decision-making process
Those life defining choices they make
Even, when reacting in an emotionally
Heightened state
Take note of their deescalating skills
Try to comprehend
Why they walk away from situations
That seem uncomplicated at first glance
Imitate how they calculate in advance
How those seemingly, straightforward
Situations, can easily get out of control
If their actions inflame the real issues
Rather than deescalate and manage them.
It’s not ok, it is NEVER alright!
To resort to violence
and take a Coward’s way out!
© L. B. Mek
October 2023
L. B. Mek (
- Published: October 9th, 2023 00:04
- Comment from author about the poem: ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_domestic_violence_hotlines ) ( https://www.hotpeachpages.net/a/countries.html ) ( https://www.mysticmag.com/psychic-reading/domestic-violence-resource-guide/ )
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 15
- Users favorite of this poem: LIZ, Teddy.15, Bella Shepard, Poetic Dan
This is such a serious subject! I wish I could say I can't relate. I wish I could
say I don't understand. But THIS, is such a big truth. It's NEVER ok. Violence creates more violence. And it can go from "subtle" ways to uncontrolled abuse. It only takes one time! It's not just men either! It goes both ways. It's cowardly! Definitely thought provoking this morning! Thank you for being brave enough to "say it like it is"!! I read, and learn 🙏 Thank you!!
It's just such a sad state of modernity
That these, once
'taken for granted', civility anchoring
do's and dont's, facts of life
Are now deemed 'brave' words??
Makes you fear, how much more
we collectively have left to regress
as a species...
(heart-breaking to read your words
yet, awe inspiring
to witness you bravery despite it all)
stay blessed, cherished Poet
I'd quote every line, you write from your heart about subjects that matter not just to you but to all. Powerful and so very empathetic with a mountain of compassion and wisdom. Truly one of my favourite poets of all time ❤️
ahhh my treasured friend
you never cease to amaze me with your staunch support
and evermore effusive words
(and hey, mr Dante, that epic poetry extraordinaire
might be aggrieved at you comparing me to your fav's)
maybe I qualify on friendship tokens😉
either way, I thank you wholehartedly
you humble me, oh cherished Poetess!🌹
.......... it just had to be said .. Amen
until someone can say it better
and society may then, finally hear..
Amen! indeed
thank you! Hyung
It’s not just physical, for emotional violence can be just as traumatic.
So it’s NEVER alright, as you have so poetized
indeed! sometimes
the emotional is harder to get over
I really appreciate you highlighting
that fact!
thank you, dear Poet
So many factors in play. I remember from childhood how gender roles were portrayed. Boys played with toy guns, GI Joe, cowboys and indians, teaching them the strong arm role. Girls got baby dolls to play mother, small kitchen equipment to pretend cook and care for the home with small cleaning implements. It was role playing for life. We can't teach dominance to one and submission to the other, they need to be equal. Sadly today, very little has changed, in spite of the progress women appear to have made, the double standard is still there. I applaud your words dear L.B. and I wholeheartedly agree that violence is the greatest folly of humankind, for in its futility we waste the precious resources of humanity. Thank you my friend for your outrage at such travesties, for in acknowledgment perhaps there can be change.
'We can't teach dominance to one
and submission to the other, they
need to be equal.'
'for in acknowledgment
perhaps there can be change.'
So, so true my wise friend
Having roles, is not the issue
as every relationship
is a symbiotic balancing
of weaknesses and strengths
for as long as violence
is used as a reactionary
and cowardly answer
to solve the differences
we as a widely differing species
will always have to overcome
then, all our relationships
devolve into irreversible
power dynamics ...
and 'being more masculine'
can't be the only way
for girls and lady's to gain
their due respect
and equal opportunities..
that's just a perpetuation
of the same fallible failings
that warped our patriarchal
we had Queens and Heroins
galore, in humanity's rich annals
its just their story seldom differed
from their male counterparts
Because violence dictates
that bulsht male ignorance cycle
and whoever acts the same
falls into the same trappings..
We need our lady's
who have painstakingly
found their path to leadership places
in our society
to show us, a Different way
of being, of acting
of empathising and loving
Thatcher was an Icon
but she changed so little
because she acted like all the rest
before her..
I truly hope things can change
but when I see the new generations
I fear for the worst..
(sorry for my opinionated rant, dear Poet)
It is a wonderful rant my dear friend, and so very true. It is indeed our thinking that has to change, and I feel that one day it will, dramaticaly, when it becomes the only way.
MEK, very well spoken and I agree with your stance. We have three daughter's and warned them about such men who, as you say, are truly cowards in sheep's clothing. Thanks for speaking out on this subject. - Phil A.
three daughters, three time's the sleepless nights
but then, also three time's the affection and love..
I hope your family walks in peace
and is saved from such horrors..
stay blessed, dear Poet
Hurt people - hurt people. It's up to the brave to break the cycles!
Love heals.
Great write
so, so true wise Poet
let the healing begin
from your ink to fate's ears🙏
thank you!
Behind you all the way L.B. What takes real courage is to be nonviolent in the face of violence, Gandhi, Martin Luther King great examples. We have not traveled far from our violent past and need a step up in evolution if we wish to consider ourselves as good as other animals.
other animals have an excuse
we have IQ's planning space station expansions
how have we not addressed the plague that is
violence, in our collective history?
it beggars belief!
after WW2
USA (yeah a gimmick move)
hosted a non nuclear development conference
I think it mentioned Spinoza in the name
(another icon to non violence
and societal oneness)
it wasn't the postdam conference
sorry I forget the name
but anyway, all the invited nations
attended and agreed
but one
because of petty politics
(and because it rightly didn't trust
the US to comply)
way before the NPT façade we have now
but it always exemplified
how close we got to changing our history..
on so many levels
(anyway I'm just waffling, sorry my friend)
what do i know..
Powerful and poignant.
just sad it's still necessary..
thank you! kind Poet
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