Banana Split


In the sun's warm embrace, a treat awaits,
A symphony of flavors, a summer's delight,
A creation of joy, a banana split,
Where sweetness and indulgence unite.

A canvas of vanilla, a scoop so pure,
Sits atop this carnival of delight,
A creamy mound of frozen dreams,
Whispering secrets, tempting the night.

Beside it, a companion, chocolate's allure,
Rich and velvety, a decadent embrace,
Its darkness dances with the light,
A taste so divine, it leaves no trace.

And nestled in this symphony of delight,
Fresh bananas, golden and sweet,
Their gentle curves, a tender invitation,
To savor each bite, with a satisfied greet.

A cascade of strawberries, ruby and bright,
Juices bursting, a burst of delight,
Their tangy sweetness, a playful surprise,
As they mingle with dreams, taking flight.

And atop this masterpiece, a crown so grand,
Whipped cream, fluffy and light,
A delicate snowfall, a touch of magic,
Enhancing each flavor, in pure delight.

Sprinkles, like confetti, add a touch of fun,
A celebration of colors, a whimsical sight,
Each tiny candy, a burst of happiness,
Creating a moment, pure and bright.

And as I dive into this banana split,
Each spoonful, a journey, a delight,
I taste the laughter, the joy, the bliss,
A moment captured, frozen in time's flight.

For in this creation, a sweetness unfurls,
A reminder of summer, of carefree days,
A treat to cherish, to savor and indulge,
A banana split, a memory that forever stays.

  • Author: Dove (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 18th, 2024 22:12
  • Comment from author about the poem: VD is Over, now its time to indulge
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 7
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  • Thoughtless

    Isn't indulging in ice cream for comfort in place of comfort not found? Nice imagery.

    • Dove

      Not Always, but it taste so good.

    • Goldfinch60

      Now I am hungry and I have only just had breakfast.


      • Dove

        Awe! Thanks for the read and comment

      • Neville

        this is really cool and involves a banana ... never in all my years have I ever come so close to wanting to make love to an inanimate object .. now aint that something .. yeah very impressive and I do believe it has got a cherry on the top .. Neville 🍒

      • Dove

        Whipped Cream De-light... Thanks for the delicious response. 🌷🌷💓💝💗

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