Monday, I can't do this

Tom Dylan

Notice of absence from Tom Dylan
Sorry if there is a delay in responses. Sometimes life gets in the way. As John Lennon said, life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.

The five days of the working week

stretch ahead in front of me

like twenty-six marathon miles

and my ankle is broken.


I feel your hands around my neck,

Monday, choking and squeezing,

I can't breathe and am

losing consciousness. 


Our relationship is toxic, Monday.

Your demands are impossible

and you're becoming a bore.

Monday, you are a bully.


I'm done with you, Monday.

I quit, I'm out, we're through.

I've had all I can take from you.

See you next week.

  • Author: Tom Dylan (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 19th, 2024 03:11
  • Comment from author about the poem: The phrase Monday, I can\\\'t do this came to me on the way to the office this morning.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 20
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • orchidee

    But you have only just started this Monday! (heehee).
    Yes - would it help if you could work, say Saturdays, and have a day off mid-week instead?
    Oohh, it'll be Tuesday in about 24 hours.
    Do you have to work those 'nasty' Mondays on Bank Holidays?

    • Tom Dylan

      No, thankfully we get Bank Holidays off. πŸ™‚ Cheers, Tom.

    • Alan R

      Hahah don't πŸ˜‚

    • Accidental Poet

      Just think of it this way, you're one day closer to retirement. πŸ˜πŸ‘

      • Tom Dylan

        Thanks AP. Just around twenty years to go. That's another Monday done. πŸ™‚ Cheers, Tom.

        • Accidental Poet

          The second twenty years goes faster than the first. πŸ˜πŸ‘

        • Teddy.15

          Now why do you think the boom town rats wrote the song? LoL keep your chin up my friend, it's your lucky day think it and it will simply be. 🌹

          • Tom Dylan

            Thanks, Teddy. That's the positive thinking I really need. πŸ™‚ Cheers, Tom.

          • Bella Shepard

            Did a little googling, and it turns out that Monday is from the Old English word Mōna, in Latin luna. Perhaps we should change its name to Lunaday, it does make us crazy. Such a fun read, and oh so true. Good for you my friend, you're on your toes today!

            • Tom Dylan

              Ah right, Monday, names after the moon. Fascinating. I love facts like that. I know Wednesday and Thursday are named after the Norse gods Odin and Thor. I'll add Monday to the list. πŸ™‚
              Thanks as always for your comments, Bella. Really appreciated. Cheers, Tom.

            • Lillian

              I don't think I've ever related to a poem so much in my life. Good work, I love it!

            • Lillian

              I don't think I've ever related to a poem so much in my life. Good work, I love it!

              • Tom Dylan

                Thanks, Lillian. On the way to work yesterday, I was thinking, Monday, I can't do this! πŸ™‚

              • Thomas W Case

                Tremendous work. It looks like someone has a case of the Mondays. lol.

                • Tom Dylan

                  Thanks, Thomas. Yep, yesterday was horrid. Glad that's Monday done with. πŸ™‚

                • Goldfinch60

                  Being retired now Tom all my days are Saturdays, not a Monday in sight. LOL


                  • Tom Dylan

                    Good on you, Andy. Nice one. πŸ™‚

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    'Sorry I'm late, Tom, Monday was hell. I attended a class on a bunch of poets in the morning, an exercise session in the afternoon, almost forgot long lunch at favourite cafe... slept in most of Tuesday to give me a boost for the rest of the week... Retirement isn't easy - don't recommend it at all - best you keep your nose to the grindstone and help all those poor retirees with a little pocket money via a taxing contribution......

                    • Tom Dylan

                      Dave, your reply had me laughing!! Very well done. πŸ™‚

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