Some fear death
Some life
Bloody hands of Lady Macbeth
combing with a butcher knife
Van Gough whittled his ear
Dostoevsky's faux firing squad
Poe drunk on his child wife's bier
De Vinci painted Mona Lisa flawed
A kamikaze metal band
A photographic assassin scar
Holding smoke in my hand
Dancing the wind into a jar
- Author: sorenbarrett ( Online)
- Published: February 21st, 2024 04:20
- Category: Unclassified
- Views: 13
- Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
I never knew there was so much in life! lol.
Thanks Orchi yea that's why I always feared life and to torment me I like you have had a long one. Thanks so much for the review friend
Ahh, so this is not related to baked beans? Windy! lol.
We've all got to go-what more can a man do but to eat, drink, and enjoy the fruits of his labour.
Thanks for the review 2781 eat, drink and be merry until the fruits start to spoil.
The fruit gets sweeter the longer their on the vine.
Wow so original and so brilliant in imagery although I'm hoping the wind in the jar is from the park 🤣 lol brilliant my dear sorenbarret 🌹
Thank you so much Teddy for such kind remarks. I do appreciate your review friend
Wonderful imagery and imagination soren, I am quite happy with what I have at present thank you.
Thanks for the read Andy and for the kind words of support.
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