Three Summers


Three Summers


It was never meant

to be like this ..

It was meant to be

perfect forever ..

And indeed it was,

for three

whole summers ..

Then out of the blue,

she went and she broke it ..



  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: February 24th, 2024 04:39
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 32
  • Users favorite of this poem: Accidental Poet
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  • Doggerel Dave

    Them's the breaks, Mate...nothing lasts forever (despite all the rhubarb about diamonds.....)

    • Neville

      Thanks for the thumbs up at least ..

    • Accidental Poet

      Three's better than none, and it did lead to a great little poem. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

      • Neville

        and who's counting .. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

        • Accidental Poet

          Orchi's counting the dots.. πŸ‘

        • Teddy.15

          Three whole summers are better than none my dear Nev. 🌹

          • Neville

            indeed .. that's very nearly a whole flock of em .. 🌹

          • orchidee

            You had the three summers all in one day?!

          • orchidee

            Do two swallows (a variation on 'one swallow', I discovered) make a Summer?
            If not, how many swallows do we need to see?! Or how many guinea pigs?! lol.

            • Neville

              You kinda lost me twice ..

              • orchidee

                Your title is Three Summers, so that made me think of 'How many swallows make a Summer? Or in my version 'How many guinea pigs make a Summer? lol.

              • Cassie58

                I am reminded of that old saying Neville, it’s better to have loved and lost than never loved at all. Three whole summers would have covered a lot of blue sky loving. A poignant poem of loss here. Sudden surprise endings are like a thunderbolt. They are the most painful sadly. Happy Saturday my friend.

                • Neville

                  it is indeed a mourning song Cassie .. thank you for noticing & a happy Sunday mane to you too ..

                • Thomas W Case

                  Beautiful work. Powerful.

                  • Neville

                    Big THANKS

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Such a shame but I am sure you found a new life Neville.


                    • Neville

                      Do you know what .. maybe I did .. N

                    • rhmn_7

                      Maybe the next summer is already upon us, (hopefully).

                      • Neville

                        Now wouldn’t that be a fine thing .. thankyou so much for coming on board ..


                      • Parisab

                        One is afraid that after three summers , they might fall. Love the title and the heat the poem gives off, poetic friend.

                        • Neville

                          Many thankyou's my friend ... Neville

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