A Soul's Portrait



In the deepest educated corners of my mind

I paint a very dark picture

but not for you to see, I’m not that selfish?

a very private moment of imagery

just for me to look at

a sort of reminder

and warning never to accept such love again


tangles of pain and disillusion from the past

awarded generously to me, by rotten love


but I wouldn’t want you to see my pain

a personal portrait of pure misery

a tale so distorted


and I

who was forever hoping to see

the bright colors of the roses

others do speak of


alas, it wasn't to be


now I own a tragic portrait

an image that would twist even the most

well-built of hearts

blinding your soul with excruciating insecurity


how did I get from being such

a pure and wonderful soul?

a poetic heart that once bloomed

now in ruins spread on a gutter

black dead petals, soaking up the rain

as the sun has been taken hostage    


and so now…

I sacrifice even the kindest of love

which may still come my way  

with an acceptance of my fate eternally

knowing in the end I myself am selfish

because you too, can now see the whole picture.  

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  • Accidental Poet

    Although very well penned as always Teddy, I still can't see the whole picture, I think because I can't bare to see such pain in the heart and soul of one of my dearest friends. May this darkness leave you never to return. 🫂

    • Teddy.15

      So very kind dear A.P, you know this isn't relevant to the life I have today, it's a book from many years ago. 🌹 Thank you always for your kindness. ❤️

      • Accidental Poet

        Well, that's a relief. May good fortune always be at your door dear lady. 😊🌹

      • Goldfinch60

        So glad that this isn't you nowadays Teddy. Lives do have those sad times but we all have the strength to put them aside and move into the wonderful life that is there for us.


        • Teddy.15

          Dear Andy, of course I am over exaggerating but my first love wasn't pretty, and you know how much I love the subject of love. I blame Dante. 🤣 Happy mayday weekend dear friend. 🌹

        • Neville

          this is quite possibly the most generous gift you have left for us here to enjoy .. and tho' the darkness it contains is blinding .. it shines brightly🌹

          • Teddy.15

            You enjoy my pain LoL 🤣 oh thank you so much dear Nev, you know how much I enjoy misery and love within the same sentence. Thank you my dear friend. 🌹

          • Cassie58

            Dear Teddy I am thankful to know that this is all in the past. The darkness does not become you. However, as the saying goes it is all part of life’s rich tapestry, a learning curve and it makes excellent poetry. Have a great weekend. 🌺

            • Teddy.15

              It's very kind of you to come back dear Cassie, yes it was almost like another lifetime ago now, of course I can't help but exaggerate as you can see my fellow poets enjoy it. Have a wonderful weekend dear friend 🌹💐🌹

            • sorenbarrett

              Many great lines speak from a wounded heart in this poem
              a poetic heart that once bloomed
              "now in ruins spread on a gutter
              black dead petals, soaking up the rain
              as the sun has been taken hostage"
              Fraught with memories of past pain this paints a picture of damage and regret that has not healed touching the heart of the reader. Very touching in its sadness.

              • Teddy.15

                Healed but never forgotten, after all I'm a woman, 🤣 Thank you for your beautiful review my dear sorrenbarret 🌹

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