Art of inovation


Picasso with angled peaks

Van Gough his swirls

Da Vinci triangular composition

Gentileschi chiaroscuro


Raphael form

Michelangelo fresco

Rembrandt use of light

de Lempicka art deco


Cezanne geometric strokes

Turner realism

O'Keeffe's flowers

Monet outside impressionism


Pollock drip cigarette buts, nails in pigment

Klimt work of gilded gold devotion

Cassatt brush so loose

Kahlo's self portraits of inner emotion

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Comments +


  • Teddy.15

    Wow and what a picture you do paint dear sorrenbarret 🌹

    • sorenbarrett

      Just a little appreciation for the arts Teddy. Thanks so much for the read.

    • orchidee

      An artistic write SB.
      KP' s an artist in botox. lol.

      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks Orchi the read is appreciated

      • Doggerel Dave

        Notes for an art course at least (at very least) four terms long.
        I'm going to keep that for future reference, Soren.

        • sorenbarrett

          Just a little appreciation of another art. I find all the arts wonderful not just poetry.

        • Goldfinch60

          Wonderful artworks and word by wonderful artists and poet soren.


          • sorenbarrett

            Thanks' so much Andy I love the arts of all types as I have told you before music is my soul and poetry and the other arts fall not far behind. Thanks so much for the read and most kind words.

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