There's no book to this!

Poetic Dan

There's definitely no book to raise your kids and i used to think mine could of done better, but I have managed to do pretty well for myself.

Now I'm undergoing this journey myself and wondering! Is it just inevitable that we end up clashing with those that raise us.

Is there nothing we can do to break the cycle or are some of the young lings just ready to go their own way, as I'm sure no parent truly wants to push their young lings away.

Life leaves its lesson and we only ever have the power to choose but what weighted mighty responsibility that is too.

The book can't exist when nothing is truly bad or good it's just coming to grips with the idea that at least you gave it all you could.

  • Author: Poetic Dan (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 20th, 2024 01:27
  • Comment from author about the poem: My daughter finally moved in with me and her step mum last August when she turned 17! Although I've always been there for both my children this has not been all rainbows and butterfly but worth it! Happy Monday all! You've made another day, to go your own way. Much peace and respect
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 16
  • Users favorite of this poem: Qurrathul Ain
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  • Neville

    Good news about your daughter .. and another one on the way .. Hooray .. its never easy though mate, is it ..
    Hold that head high and go well ..

    • Poetic Dan

      Always my friend and much appreciated

    • 2781

      Your greatest challenges are in our own homes.

      • Poetic Dan

        Absolutely! Even more so the ones inside our mind.
        Really appreciate your time

        • 2781

          The battlefield of the mind!

        • Teddy.15

          Dear Dan, it's always a victory of sorts when our children choose us, we all have to find our own paths, and when unfortunately parents split, it's certainly harder for a child to have to choose. We all have our personal stories, they make us who we are. I'm so happy for you and your beautiful now wife. Nothing more important than family extended or otherwise. 🌹

          • Poetic Dan

            Yes it was and I feel proud as punch that she did! Thank you for your kindness and support 🙏

          • Goldfinch60

            good to hear your daughter has come to you Dan.


            • Poetic Dan

              Nearly a year my friend and its been the best!

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