A tale with a tail


History has many eyes,

devouring fact, spitting out bones

Victorious predator, truth does disguise

stifling vanquished moans


Beast that lives and dies

some grow a folk tail

When fed, a baby legend cries

Birthed in a breeze turned into a gale


Now myth, a phoenix that never dies

Spawned from a discarded egg

From ashes it does arise

It stands without a leg


A book full of holes

Plastic, man made trolls

Worshiped saints shaped of play dough

God's rumbling voice in a tornado

The ark from Mesopotamian rain

Baby Moses stole Osiris' name

If not for Mithra there'd be no Christ

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Comments +


  • orchidee

    And......without KP there'd be no botox! lol.

    • sorenbarrett

      Now what kind of a world would that be? Thanks for the review Orchi its appreciated.

    • Teddy.15

      It takes all sorts to make a village, that's for sure. Beautiful sorrenbarret how very wise. 🌹

      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks so much Teddy I appreciate your comments have a great day

      • Doggerel Dave

        Started off easily enough – after all, History (which I revere) is the most contradictable of the social sciences……. By the end I’m scratching around in Google to discover who the hell Osiris and Mithra are….
        A rich and educative write, Soren.

        • sorenbarrett

          Thanks so much Dave I appreciate the read and comment as always. Just in case you missed it in Google Mesopotamia is where the flood myth began in history, Osiris in myth was put in a basket as a baby in the river to escape being killed by the Pharaoh just as Moses supposedly was millennia later, Mithra preceded Christ and was supposedly born of a virgin in the month of December died and was resurrected on the third day for the redemption of the world

          • Doggerel Dave

            As a supplement to Prof Google, you have no peer (round here, at least!!).👍
            Wickedly parallel lives they lead.....
            Many thanks for all that, Soren.

          • Thomas W Case

            Powerful work.

            • sorenbarrett

              Thanks Thomas appreciate the review

            • Mase ♪

              A Tale with a Tail, a Poem with a Meaning. Beautiful Write Soren, thee poem got me thinking.😊

              • sorenbarrett

                Thank you Mason for the read and kind words of encouragement they are appreciated.

              • Goldfinch60

                Very fine words soren history can be fascinating but whay we may not realise is that history was written by the victors, what if the losers were right?


                • sorenbarrett

                  Thanks Gold, yes indeed and so the lines victorious predator truth does disguise stifling vanquished moans. It is indeed written by the victors. I appreciated you noting this many seem to forget that history is not impartial. Thanks so much Andy

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