The Cages

Thomas W Case

In a dream,
I see the raven
fly into the night;
his dark song beckoning
from his beak.
Shiny black wings promise
but to where?

I watch as the
pair of doves bellow
their songs of love
and with a rush of
angels wings
fly heavenward.

I hear the
bluebirds and
sparrows little hum of
hope fade softly into
the afternoon sun,
and I wonder,
what does it all mean?

Then I see them, and
many other kinds of
birds, with beautiful bright
Parakeets and parrots,
eagles and herons...even
a dodo and they are
all rotting in cages.
Some of the cages are
others are closed,
but all the birds are
lying on their sides,
sad dead eyes,
staring blankly,
finished and flightless.
and I get it.

  • Author: Thomas W Case (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 21st, 2024 11:38
  • Comment from author about the poem: I read this poem on my you tube channel.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 33
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
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  • sorenbarrett

    Loss of freedom, chokes out life whether physical or emotional. Nicely worded Thomas.

  • Thomas W Case

    Thank you.

  • Neville

    Cages don't have a place in the free world do they .. I get it too fella .. N

  • aDarkerMind

    another write to read, digest,

    then read again Thomas.

  • Teddy.15

    Wow Thomas, those last birds incredibly creative and quite the epic, brilliant, loved every line, the stanza of the raven spoke very loud. 🌹

    • Thomas W Case

      Thank you so much, Teddy. I appreciate it.

    • Goldfinch60

      Fine words Thomas.


    • orchidee

      Good write T.
      What happened to me? I was The Birdman. lol.

    • John Prophet

      Well done!

    • Doggerel Dave

      Good Write.

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