Times of Then, Times of Now (recited in whisper, in a hospital bed in A&E in QMC, inspired by my ward neighbour, who had a fall, and suffers with Alzheimer’s, who talked relentlessly to her daughter, of losing “the cart” two and a half weeks ago)


Times of then, times of now,

a long way off, from milking cow,

when things went clang, and also moo,

a winter’s morning, strong supped brew,


Though lost cart, is now dead,

memory keeps, in what she said,

but in the real, revives her play,

making glad, into dismay, 


but in heart, a family’s strong,

sing a true spoken word love song,

ensuring that all is right,

thus, with zeal, they must fight,


as times like these, times like theirs,

marries all causes, to make the cares,

as past has built, the present here,

the perpetual stream, of woe and cheer. 

  • Author: AuburnScribbler (Offline Offline)
  • Published: May 24th, 2024 11:50
  • Comment from author about the poem: The reason why that I've had a forced hiatus from this wonderful place, is that I've been in hospital. It was suspected quinsy, but my tonsils were fine, until a blood infection in my mandible flared up, creating an abscess in an impacted wisdom tooth, which had to be extracted at once. For the pain, a specialist suggested to me to have co-codamol, but due to the codeine within it, my lips started to swell, due to an allergic reaction. It had to be operated on quickly, as there were concerns regarding my airway, and of course the pain, and because of the severity of the pain and where it was located, it had to be done in a hospital theater, in QMC, Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham, under general anesthetic, the first one I've ever had, so I was I was a tad nervous, to say the least. For me, it was a very painful and stressful time, though I had the best help, and warm support from my family. Some pain remains, as do some of the strong painkillers, thus, and I'm still not one hundred percent, this means follow up dental appointments/treatments are needed, but it's nigh on impossible to find a NHS dentist. Anyway, enough of the woe is me attitude, I have to share something, and this is the poem I intend to upload. I miraculously whispered this, off the cuff, after eaves dropping my ward neighbour's story, and I immediately had to scribble it down, with the arm that wasn't housing a canula. The poem's title explains it all, as does the banner picture. I'm looking forward to getting back to normal, I hope that you enjoy the poem, and as always, please stay safe everyone.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 14
  • User favorite of this poem: Teddy.15.
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  • 2781

    I like your poem, not your situation!

    • AuburnScribbler

      Thanks for the read 2781, and yeah, I hope my situation will be pain free soon.

      I hope that all is well.

    • Teddy.15

      Oh my, dear poet, I'm sorry to hear of your recent adventure, may you now stay very well, the silver lining you got great material and kudos on the compassion because when we are in these places it's sometimes hard to concentrate on others. Bravo. 🌹

      • AuburnScribbler

        Thanks for the read and for favouriting this poem Teddy.15, it's very much appreciated.

        Thanks also, for your concern, and for your very kind, thoughtful words, I'm sure they will add to the tonic, that will hopefully aid in my speedy recovery.

        I hope that all is well.

      • Goldfinch60

        That perpetual stream will always take you to a fine place Ben.

        glad you are getting better.


        • AuburnScribbler

          Thanks for the read Andy, and for your concern.

          I look forward to reaching a most satisfying destination, down the aforementioned stream, though in my case it will be reached via a dentist.

          I hope that all is well.

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