Heart of a tiger

Poetic Dan

Heart of a Tiger is why it was my first tattoo 

At 15 years old I was ready to do what I needed too 

Riding every emotion I did all that I felt to be true

Lifes definitely been a wild spectacular theater & zoo


Dreams turned to nightmares then nightmares to Dreams

Going against the system is all I've know and seen

While independently most humans are acting without greed 

Once in departments and regulations we just tick boxs to be free


Bills dictating the directions each of us want to go

None of us every really knowing the joy to follow the soul

Saving up time to find enough in a row to relax and feel whole


"It's just the way it is and there is nothing you can do"

Has never sat well with me and really it shouldn't with you! 

Although my tattoo may now be nearly 30 years faded 

My courage to walk the untrodden path is still unjaded 


Once I'm able to get back out of the hole I'm currently drowning in. 

Maybe I just need to go to the bottom to find my crown again

Then come back up to keep floating further than I've even been

  • Author: Poetic Dan (Offline Offline)
  • Published: June 25th, 2024 01:27
  • Comment from author about the poem: Thanks again to those that give me their time! May we forever keep moving step by step knowing that we was ment for this!
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 1
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