

What did they say Harry?


Everything's in French!


Got the Aussie commentary-


Never on the fence.


Overloaded boats up the river Seine,


Waving like excited children, 


Playing in the rain.


As I wonder what comes next..




I can only guess, not knowing any French. 




The reaper on a horse?


Dark musical backing..


Of coarse. 


Up to the tower

Walking with a pillow?


It's the flag, I think?


Off to the fridge for another drink. 


Raised the flag to something like a hymn..


Wondered again-

Are they singing about Him?


But the mood is up

Let the games begin..




As darkness takes the light..


Well I could go on but who wants to fight. 


Hope all enjoy the show but there is one thing I would like to know-


If USA could find four hundred and fifty, they could call elite..


How come they could only find two loonies for the presidential seat?


Just my final word with the lighting of the flame, 


Reminded me of the Hindenburg. 


My wife thinks I'm insane. 




  • Author: Valiantstar (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 27th, 2024 03:29
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 35
  • Users favorite of this poem: sorenbarrett
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  • sorenbarrett

    "If USA could find four hundred and fifty, they could call elite..
    How come they could only find two loonies for the presidential seat?
    Just my final word with the lighting of the flame,
    Reminded me of the Hindenburg.
    My wife thinks I'm insane."
    This stanza or two made me laugh and that is the mark of greatness. Loved it.

    • 2781

      Thank you, It's done It's job!

    • Doggerel Dave

      Now that's entertainment!!πŸ‘πŸ˜‚

      • 2781

        See! We're not all that different.

        • Doggerel Dave

          Think I'm slightly more rational, but haven't got a missis to disabuse me of that delusion.πŸ˜‚

          • 2781

            Rational, irrational..
            It's like a see saw, needs some balance.

          • orchidee

            It was me sank the Titanic. The real story is that I made a hole of the bottom before it set off! lol.

            • 2781

              Wasn't that built in Ireland?

            • Thomas W Case

              Tremendous work.

              • 2781

                It all must bow down.

              • Dan Williams

                OK, you stumped me with "obsurite" and "SOLENNITE" on the way to a great read. And yes, out of 341,814,420 we get these. How sad.

                • 2781

                  Stumped me to! They were in capital's so someone must have found them important??
                  As for me, I am partial to some lunacy...

                • Goldfinch60

                  Good words 2781.


                • bongobenny

                  Love your work here… the horsemen, gotta be careful. Their crossiants are to dine for.

                  • 2781

                    I feel privileged, thank you.

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