Seven Years Here At MPS

Accidental Poet


While reading through

My distant back pages

Reliving poetic verses

The thoughts of my ages


Surprised was I to see

My anniversary with My Poetic Side

My very first entry here

By chance today would coincide


Seven years ago today

I arrived here at MPS

 Over five hundred poems

Shocked and amazed I must confess


Twenty Seventeen seems so long ago

Yet I remember it like yesterday

Where does the time go?

So often this I’m inclined to say


Who I was then

And who I am now

A journey of discovery

All I can say is WOW


I’ve written about this

And I’ve written about that

Where I’ve been to

And now here I’m at


I’ll write about love

And I’ll write about time

Even though I don’t like to

Of politics I’ll find a rhyme


My inner Muse less active

My writing has slowed down its pace

Causing the contemplation

There upon my face


Retirement has its setbacks

Now busier than when employed

With my four-legged best friend

Seeing his tail waggin’ I enjoyed


With my Muse

I’ll attempt to reconnect

Explore pages of new

Let’s keep that quill wet


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024

  • Author: Sharon\'s Poet (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 27th, 2024 10:56
  • Comment from author about the poem: Thank you to all who have blessed me with the reading and commenting on my poetry. I do appreciate all of you. 🤟
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 38
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
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Comments +


  • Cassie58

    Congratulations AP on your seventh anniversary at MPS. Five hundred poems is pretty impressive. Have a lovely day. Enjoyed your posted music as well as your fine poem. All the best to you.

    • Accidental Poet

      Thank you Cassie, Honestly, I hadn't realized today was the day I joined here. I was just browsing through my writes which I'll do on occasion, and I noticed the date on my first entry was today's date. So, I felt obligated to write a poem specifically for today. Weird how that happens. 🤔

      • Cassie58

        It was meant to be. Strange, but life is at times. 🌺

      • orchidee

        Yes, well done!
        I dunno how many years - of misery - I've had with KP. The wedding day is best forgot! lol.

        • Accidental Poet

          Oh come on now Orchi, I know you have a scrapbook at home filled with pictures of you, KP and all her Botox she requested as wedding gifts. 🙄

          • orchidee

            Yes lol.

          • Tony36

            Excellent write

          • sorenbarrett

            Congratulations are in order. I relate to much of this and admire how nicely it was written. Here is to wishing you many more good years.

            • Accidental Poet

              Thank you soren for your kind words and wishes. 😊

            • Goldfinch60

              Many congratulations on your seven years with MPS AP. I too started in MPS in February 2017.


              • Accidental Poet

                Thanks Andy, I've been on a few poetry sites, but none like MPS. 😉👍

              • Neville

                Many and I do mean many congrats AP .. thats no mean feat sir and many more to come I hope .. Neville

                • Accidental Poet

                  And many thanks to you my friend. 😉🤝

                • 2781

                  "many happy returns of the day"

                • Teddy.15

                  Awe bless you dear Andy for all your kindness and positivity. 🌹

                  • Accidental Poet

                    Teddy, I'm honored that you would confuse me with Andy. Andy might have something to say about it though. 😁

                    • Teddy.15

                      LOL oh please forgive me, I\'m on my phone as I\'m away from home at the moment dear A.P sometimes I cant see but only the name is wrong because you both bring such joy and comfort and positivity dear friend. 🌹

                      • Accidental Poet


                      • sorenbarrett

                        Congratulations my friend and many more years to come. Best wishes

                        • Accidental Poet

                          Well if a space rock doesn't fall on me, and some idiot dictator doesn't take over the country, I may just be around for a few more years soren. Thanks buddy. 😁👍

                        • Tom Dylan

                          Congrats, AP. Happy anniversary! Looking forward to many more years.

                          • Accidental Poet

                            Thank you Tom. That's my plan, but you know how plans go. 🙄

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