Sleep Always Calls

Thomas W Case

I'm going to write this.
I say that to myself, and
to you, the reader.
Every time I sit down to
work on poetry lately,
I'm overcome by lethargy.
I look at the whiteness
and go blank.
I thumb through notes,

The thought of
lying down for
a nap rides by on
a tri-cycle in
my mind.
I hated naps as a
child, they interfered
with my plans to
conquer the world.
The coolness of the
sheets subdued me.

Instead of admitting
complete defeat,
I say to myself,
Maybe, I will wake
up refreshed and
Perhaps, the muse will
visit in my slumber.

I retire to the bed,
Mojo, one of my cats,
Join me at the
foot of the bed.
She is soon
dreaming of catching
the elusive moth that
has been bothering
her for days.
And I will dream of
catching words like
butterflies with a big net.

  • Author: Thomas W Case (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 27th, 2024 23:54
  • Comment from author about the poem: Check out my book, Seedy Town Blues Collected Poems on
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 61
  • Users favorite of this poem: aDarkerMind, Teddy.15
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  • Doggerel Dave

    A complete word picture of a very sensible move - might follow your example......

  • aDarkerMind

    a write with my name all over it Thomas;

    I too might follow your example.

    great stuff my friend;

  • orchidee

    Erm, goodnight there. lol.

  • Goldfinch60

    I am sure that you will catch those words Thomas.


  • Neville

    Go on, rub it it why dont'cha .. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘

  • sorenbarrett

    Lovely, some of the best ideas come from my muse Morpheus. Nicely done

  • Mutley Ravishes

    Maybe time is needed for things to ferment? Iā€™m the meantime have you ever tried walking barefoot on grass, rocks etc? (hint, hint!)

  • Teddy.15

    You just caught me in that magnificent net of yours lol what a wonderful read. šŸŒ¹

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