Second Chance.


Why am I so positive

People ask me

As they do not understand,

It is the way I have become,

Become since that day,

That day sixteen years ago.

I had a serious problem,

A problem within my head.

There was a growth there

And it caused me such pain.

The medics found it and told me,

Told me it needed removing.

And that is when my life changed,

Changed for the better.

The surgeon looked at me

Looked at me and said,

“If you don’t have this operation

You will die!”

So I had the operation,

Lost four hours of my life,

Lost that time in anaesthetic

But I came round

And all was well.

So now I am positive,

Positive in life,

As I have been given a second chance,

Given a second chance at life.

  • Author: Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 29th, 2024 01:18
  • Comment from author about the poem: I had had a headache for about 13 years and the medics did not know what was causing it until that day when a young doctor said to her senior "I wonder if it is acromegaly. It was and it is a very rare disease as only four in a million suffer from it. From that day all went well and I am still here.
  • Category: Special occasion
  • Views: 93
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15, Accidental Poet, Bella Shepard
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  • orchidee

    A fine write Gold. Yep, it's still you; you're still here!
    I was very ill as a baby though I don't remember any of it. I shouldn't be here, in a way.
    They say - it's OK you're here, but a pity you began to sing! lol.

    • Goldfinch60

      Thank you Orchi, yes we are both still here.


    • 2781

      And have used it wisely, by accounts...

      • Goldfinch60

        Most kind 2781.


      • Teddy.15

        I never ask because I get it, your a rare breed but we can all count on you to make us smile. that's for sure. 🌹

        • Goldfinch60

          Thank you so much for your kind words Teddy, very much appreciated.


        • sorenbarrett

          Inspiring and so glad you made it through not only made it but with positivity. So the removed all the old negativity? lol Hope that is not insensitive but I like to joke about everything Gold

          • Goldfinch60

            Yes the old negativity was taken away soren. LOL
            Thank you for your kind words.


          • Accidental Poet

            Just goes to show you can't keep a good man down. And in your case, a great man. Glad you're still here Andy. 😉👍

            • Goldfinch60

              Very much appreciated AP, I too am glad I am still here.


            • Doggerel Dave

              For me you have a whole new dimension, Andy.
              Thanks for the disclosure.

              • Goldfinch60

                My absolute pleasure Dave, thank you for your comment.


              • MendedFences27

                That was quite an experience. It would make anyone become more positive. Keep your happy outlook on life, we all need you to spread the sunshine. - Phil A.

                • Goldfinch60

                  It certainly was Phil but all turned out very well and ll is good. Thank you.


                • Bella Shepard

                  Having gone through what you did I can see where your love of life comes from, deep within your soul. You are so fortunate in the medical treatment you received, but also in the revelation that came upon you. Thank you for sharing your experience and for the wonderful song to accompany, it's one of my very favorites.

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Thank you so much for your kind words Bella, very much appreciated.


                  • Thad Wilk

                    Awesomazing! 👍
                    This poem made
                    me smile, very uplifting
                    and a real pleasure
                    to read indeed! 😁
                    Thanks for sharing!!
                    Best regards ✌️ Thad

                    • Goldfinch60

                      Thank you Thad, most kind.


                    • Thomas W Case

                      Beautiful. I relate.

                      • Goldfinch60

                        Thank you Thomas.


                      • Tom Dylan

                        Such a moving piece, Andy. Thanks so much for sharing.

                      • Cassie58

                        Nothing like a close shave to make you appreciate living. Each day a blessing when you have been given a second chance. Great read and a positive message Andy.

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