She Lay In Her Bed

Bella Shepard

Notice of absence from Bella Shepard
After dealing with some health issues for the last few months, I have decided to take a leave of absence until the dust settles and the clouds go away. I feel badly that I have been absent so much, for I miss my friends. I hope to be back before too long. I also hope that all of you will all be safe and well.


On previous visits

She’d sat up in a wheelchair

A twinkle of mischief in her eyes

We’d talk and laugh

Listening to accordion music

She had played the instrument for many years

But today she lay in bed

A tiny figure covered with a blanket up to her chin

Her eyes were closed when I walked in

Someone had arranged her hair

In a little ponytail atop her head

It looked so cute

I leaned in close and said

“Wake up sleepy head”

She slowly opened her eyes

“It’s you” she said

 “yeah it’s me”

Though her voice was very weak

Her face lit up with a smile

She lay very still

But her hand came up to touch my cheek

“Would you like accordion music?” I asked

She shook her head

“Shall I play my favorite music for you?”

She nodded

And so we listened to Brahm’s lullabye

As I began to la la la to the music, she softly did with me

La la la, la la la, da da da da da da da

We listened to wonderful music for forty five minutes

And when it was time for me to go

I touched her cheek and said

“You’ve got a sweet spot on your cheek”

I’ll not wipe it off, but leave it there for next time

She smiled and we sang our goodbye song

As I walked down the hall I wondered

How much weaker would she be next time

As she lay in her bed



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Comments +


  • Maplespal

    Very nice thank you for writing it.

    • Bella Shepard

      Thank you so much for reading, and for your kind comment!

    • Teddy.15

      I'm touched by your kindness, even more than usual, empathy and compassion is something you have never lacked as a writer, but this is truly one that's felt and I say thank you. 🌹

      • Bella Shepard

        Thank you my dear, you are always there for me and it is greatly appreciated. Take care!

      • sorenbarrett

        This may be a true story but also serves as a metaphor for the passage of time and how we choose to spend it. It has a most sweet but slightly sad feel to it just as the passing of years do. A most wonderful write Bella

        • Bella Shepard

          Thank you dear friend, you are so very kind. I love your take on the metaphor, it's very true as to the passage of time. This is an 84 yr old I've been seeing for a little over a year, and the visit we had last week was one of the most peaceful, beautiful experiences I've had.

        • Doggerel Dave

          Bella, this is a perfect and realistic picture of a journey through time as the end approaches, described with all the kindness, thoughtfulness and humanity you have in quantity.

          • Bella Shepard

            You are the sweetest my dear. You have a depth of understanding that I truly appreciate. I have to say that this visit with my patient was unlike any other I've ever had. I always love your comments, a thousand thanks!

          • Accidental Poet

            Relationships grow from the least likely of sources Bella. And for both of you to be there for each other will be a lasting memory of a special friendship never to be forgotten. Bless you both. 🌹🌹

            • Bella Shepard

              Your words are so very true, it is an experience I shall never forget. Thank you for your wonderful insight, I appreciate with all my heart.

            • Thomas W Case

              Powerful work.

              • Bella Shepard

                Thank you so much my friend for reading and your most kind comment. Take care!

              • Dan Williams

                Amen. Music can save us all if we just let it. Nice work.

                • Bella Shepard

                  Thank you so much, you are so right. The magic of music can work miracle some times. If we all kept it in our hearts, imagine what a world it could be. Take care my friend!

                • Neville

                  How you managed to find and capture so much beauty under the circumstances of evident suffering (and in particular in that of a friend) only serves to reinforce my positive regard for you as a writer and as a compassionate fellow human being .. I fear my eyes would have been drowning in my own tears .. With much respect and kindest regards, Neville

                  • Bella Shepard

                    Dearest Nev, your comment almost brings tears to my eyes, your compassion is boundless. When I left that day I felt as if I'd experienced somethig very rare and precious, and I thought about it all the way home. Your comments always give me a lift, and I thank you for being there, just being youu.

                  • Tom Dylan

                    A moving piece. Thanks for sharing.

                    • Bella Shepard

                      Thank you so much, your comment is most appreciated my friend.

                    • Cassie58

                      So touching dear Bella. Your visits must be a great comfort to her. You show your compassion here. It moved me. 🌹

                      • Bella Shepard

                        Thank you Cassie, your comment truly resonates. The visits are such a reciprocal experience, I sometimes think I get more than my share. I appreciate your kind words, and the compassion that I always find in your work, it is an inspiration.

                      • 2781

                        It is better to go to the house of mourning, than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart.

                        • Bella Shepard

                          Such a beautiful passage, thank you for such a wonderful comment my friend.

                        • MendedFences27

                          Wow. Such empathy. A very difficult task working with hospice patients, you must be loved by many of them. Now, your experience in recorded for history. A great poem. - Phil A.

                          • Bella Shepard

                            Thank you my friend for such a kind comment, it is truly appreciated coming from one whose work I admire. Take care!

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