The Mystery of a Woman


The Mystery of a Woman


I do wonder

After all that’s been seen and done 

if she really killed him and

what she did with the gun

Not that she didn’t have her reasons

his abuse was number one

his cheating, his drinking

his time on the run

Ok! He wasn’t perfect

but who is?. . . No one..


Maggie was a charmer

a vivacious coquette

a brown-eyed brunette.

with a face too beautiful to forget

She was a pillar of the community

Friendly to everyone she met 

willing to help out a neighbor

likable from the outset.

OK! She wasn’t perfect

but she never was. . . a threat.


Here’s how they found him

that abusive loudmouthed pighead;

Sitting on the couch watching TV….

only, with a head full of lead.

  • Author: MendedFences27 (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 30th, 2024 09:37
  • Comment from author about the poem: Just a scenario that popped into my head.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 21
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
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  • Teddy.15

    Maybe you just started your first novel? Two most interesting characters, although we now know the end. brilliant imagery somewhat gory. I had a chuckle when I read the title. 🤣

    • MendedFences27

      Thanks, Teddy15. What a great idea. Laura and Albert. Lovers who have a falling out (or shoot out).
      :Murder on the 12th Floor. Yes?

      • Teddy.15

        It would be an American soap opera for sure. I'm not a fan of real violence though dearest Phil, shootouts aren't something I've ever enjoyed reading about in the real world. 🌹

      • Tony36

        Love it

        • MendedFences27

          Thank you, Tony36

          • Tony36

            You're welcome

          • Neville

            excruciatingly gory but boy what a bloody story .. 😎👍

            • MendedFences27

              Thanks, Neville. A "gory story," they found the body in a "lorry" in the" quarry" and the "jury" found her innocent. "Gory and story" and not much else.

            • sorenbarrett

              A noir style poem in black and white. Loved those old movies. Well written

              • MendedFences27

                Thanks, SB.
                Never thought of it as noir, but yes it fits.

              • Doggerel Dave

                Better the poem popped into your head,
                Than your head being popped by the lead..
                I know - too obvious, but it's the best I can do before my afternoon nap.....

                • MendedFences27

                  Thanks, DD. I was a long distance away from the gunfire. Don't sleep too soundly. There may be ladies out there waiting to blow your brains out. Be careful to get that right.

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    Not round here there ain't - they would have to release their grip on their walking frames to aim properly.....

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