Heat Exhaustion.


We arrived at the club

Greeted with tea or coffee,

And prepared for the match,

The croquet match.

My opponent and I

Went onto the lawn

And started our match,

And that’s when it started.

I just could not do it,

Could not hit the ball properly.

It was one of those days,

But there was a reason,

It was down to the weather.

It was so very hot

And it got hotter through the day.

I just cannot cope in the heat,

And playing croquet

A game that I love shows this.

By mid afternoon I’d had enough

And had to stop,

Stop playing the games,

As I felt totally exhausted

And knew I could not go on.

So I told the captain,

Told her I could not do it,

She understood kindly,

So off I went.

My lover and I went home

Where I collapsed.

Collapsed in front of a fan

And had a cooling beer

Then fell asleep in the armchair

Eventually recovering,

Recovering from the exhaustion,

The exhaustion that the heat created.

I am not good in the heat.

  • Author: Goldfinch60 (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 31st, 2024 01:30
  • Comment from author about the poem: If I had known it was going to be this hot I would have withdrawn my availability. I just cannot cope with the heat.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 29
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  • orchidee

    I would have added water to the cold beer! heehee.
    That heat does get fierce by the afternoon especially.

    • Goldfinch60

      I knew that Orchi, that is why I locked the door. LOL


      • orchidee

        Did ya hear me knocking at the door?! lol.

      • Neville

        A whole day captured on a single page .. I bet that beer went down a treat ..

        I love the heat but then I'm probably going to hell for my sins .. 👍

        • Goldfinch60

          It certainly did Neville. |Thank you.


        • Teddy.15

          Sweaty balls sir. LoL 😆

          • Goldfinch60

            Absolutely Teddy, absolutely.


          • sorenbarrett

            Nothing better than a cold beer on a hot day. Cools and relaxes. Have on on me Gold

            • Goldfinch60

              Very true soren. Cheers!


            • Doggerel Dave

              Suggest you start getting acclimatised now, Andy.
              Alternative strategy may involve a move North.
              This will make room for the occupants of that band round the earth commonly known as the tropics to move in as that area becomes increasingly uninhabitable……..

              • Goldfinch60

                Probably very true Dave and there seems to be nothing we can do about it.


                • Doggerel Dave

                  Go North, young man.

                • Cassie58

                  If this was yesterday, I understand entirely. By mid day, I was flaked out. Came round for dinner at 8.30. I can’t stand this type of heat. It’s muggy heat. Not the same as Mediterranean heat:) Thank you for Ella, Andy. My cup of tea or maybe something stronger later in the day. Happy Wednesday.

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Thank you Cassie, yes the scotch went down well in the evening, Laphroaig of course.

                    :Love Ella, she could sing a telephone directory (remember them) and still sounf wonderful.


                  • MendedFences27

                    I know the kind of heat you mean, we get high humidity here a lot. It drains you. Drink lots of water, it helps.
                    Nice poem. - Phil A.

                    • Goldfinch60

                      Thank you Phil. yes drinking water does help a little.


                    • Bella Shepard

                      I feel for you my friend. We've been going through wave after wave of extreme heat, and what's almost worse is the accompanying humidity, which makes you feel like you can't breath. Thank you for this poem, and an opportunity to vent about the weather. All kidding aside, it's no laughting matter. May I wish you the temperature down and your spirits up! Stay cool Andy.

                      • Goldfinch60

                        Thank you for your kind words Bella. Yes I too am hoping the temperature will fall.


                      • Thomas W Case

                        I'm not too fond of the heat either. Great work.

                        • Goldfinch60

                          Thank you Thopmas.


                        • Tom Dylan

                          A fine write. I can feel the heat from your words. 🙂

                          • Goldfinch60

                            Most kind Tom, thank you.


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