Just a Few Thoughts on Getting Even


Just a Few Thoughts on Getting Even


I never get drunk enough

these days,

to think about culling you ..

I just hope,

beyond hope someone

might come

along one day and cull you

on my behalf ..





  • Author: Neville (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 31st, 2024 01:34
  • Comment from author about the poem: this is not me at all, let's just call it a prototype ..
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 96
  • Users favorite of this poem: Alan R
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  • orchidee

    I wouldn't want to cull KP exactly, but I'm horrible to her to take her down a peg or three. Things like serving her sewage for dinner while I have huge roast dinners. heehee.

    • Neville

      You are without doubt a rotten rodent and even out do your cousin Roland πŸ€

      • orchidee

        Thanks N. lol. She will cull me, in a rodent purge. Argh!

      • Goldfinch60

        Cull away Neville, cull away.


        • Neville

          Cheers Andy, gotta dash write now but will give you a cull later .. okay πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

        • sorenbarrett

          I've culled a lot of things in my life even poems but never thought about culling people. I guess I just need to get more drunk first. Nicely done Neville

          • Neville

            it helps πŸ™‚ thanks my friend .. Neville

          • Doggerel Dave

            A fantasy very similar to my own where I own a vaporiser which immediately disappears someone who causes me displeasure....that would cut the world population down ....considerably..........

            • Neville

              ... Got'cha πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘

            • Cassie58

              Violence is so not you , but I am reminded how drink can turn people into monsters. I left an earlier response which I deleted because it didn’t reflect the seriousness of the subject. Culling is such a violent word and it reminds me of whales being culled and the blood letting. I am sure you see the results of plenty of the aftermath of violence in your line of work. A short poem with an incredible amount of depth to it. Happy Wednesday my friend.

              • Neville

                Bless you Cassie .. I did see it earlier but have been busy looking at Alfa Romeos for the best part of this afternoon .. I actually liked what you previously posted, it was cleva & witty and made me smile .. I like this one too and thank you for both of them .. Neville

                • Cassie58

                  Please you liked both of my responses Neville. These days humour seems to be unfashionable. Many have forgotten how to laugh, they are offended by everything and everyone. Good luck with your car hunting. You do like Alpha Romeos
                  don’t chΓ‘.

                  • Neville

                    Nothing can or will change that .. or the fact I like Alpha Romeos πŸš—

                  • MendedFences27

                    Not exactly sure of the meaning of "culling" but it doesn't sound good.
                    Your poem seems to imply removal. Anyway, a brief but interesting change of pace for you. Much enjoyed. - Phil A.

                    • Neville

                      interesting that culling is a word seemingly peculiar to us Brits .. and maybe the commonwealth .. Culling is the systematic organized killing of some thing (whether it be livestock to prevent the bloodline being corrupted, or of some kind of pest like badgers are culled here in the UK to supposedly prevent the spread of Tuberculosis to cattle .. that by the way is often disputed .. and I personally don't consider badgers a pest .. Thanks for taking such an interest Phil and hope my explanation helps .. Neville

                    • Bella Shepard

                      My husband was a tournament fisherman, so I've heard culling in terms of replacing a smaller fish in your livewell, with a larger one that you've just caught. Could be the larger fish is just waiting for a chance to bite. Couldn't resist, lol. Cheeky and oh endearing!

                      • Neville

                        I missed the one earlier so will cull ya back later .. (I couldn't resist that one either) many thanks Bella .. Neville

                      • Thomas W Case

                        Lol. Good stuff, my friend.

                        • Neville

                          Mighty thanks sent freepost .. N

                        • Tom Dylan

                          A thoroughly intriguing write, Neville. Really well done. I write short stories and once wrote a story about a woman who wins the lottery and hires a hitman. Your poem reminded me a little of that. πŸ™‚

                          • Neville

                            I know a couple of hit men .. cheers T .. N πŸ™‚

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