Presence Prosperity


Tune: Charity

('Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost')

Psalm 60 v.9-12


Who will bring me to strong hold?

So your power shall be told

Will not you, O God, though we

Cast off by you be?


Yet return, and to us look

Leave us not bereft, forsook

We pray help us, deliver

Unto our help stir


Will you not, O God, forth go?

Wit hour armies, we shall know

Your help, presence all along

Shall rejoice in song


Give us help from trouble for

Vain is the help of man sure

Through God we shall battles win

And have peace within


Through God we valiantly

Shall do, and too we shall see

He it is that shall tread down

Enemies renown

  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: July 31st, 2024 01:55
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 34
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  • Goldfinch60

    Good one Orchi.

    • orchidee

      Thanks Gold. Running out of poems here! Shall I do an anthology '500 poems of life with KP'?! All under the genre 'Horror'. lol.

    • Neville

      they say gone with the wind but I'm sticking with the finch ..

      • orchidee

        Thanks N. You know the finch fella?!

      • sorenbarrett

        Another great hymn marching forth with the aid of the Lord whether before us or behind us.

        • orchidee

          Thanks SB. Only He can be both places at once. I tried it, but didn't know if I was coming or going. lol.

        • Cassie58

          Nicely done Orchi. A battle song. With God on our side. I’m all for peace. Have a happy Wednesday.

          • orchidee

            Thanks Cassie. They were real, I suppose, saying at first that He has forgotten or deserted them.
            Mrs Botox never deserts me. I'm her piggy-bank for botox. lol.
            She's very naughty - true - not turned up in court; missed it more than once. She's 46, so it says. Oh yeah?! More like 146. lol.

          • Bella Shepard

            We must pick our battles, hopefully they are the righteous ones. Good Write!

            • orchidee

              Thanks B. I battle with KP every day. Do I always lose? lol.

            • Sydney Zane

              Very powerful.

              • orchidee

                Thanks SZ.

              • Thomas W Case


                • orchidee

                  Thanks T.

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