Honey on toast


Fragrance from colorful buds is soft to the touch
New love, shinier than that lost, even if you buff
Passion walks into love on a broken crutch
One's last love, unlike first, is made of stronger stuff

Matured in bandages
it dreams of a past fever
where a child manages
to hold onto a stuffed beaver

Hands of a clock paint spots on fresh fruit
Breakfast grows into a cold dinner
a rotted peach, the river of time does pollute
Dust and cobwebs become the winner

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Comments +


  • Teddy.15

    This is truly beautiful, love every line they emotionally swept me up, a second chance and such a wonderful end, my favourite subject ever. 🌹

    • sorenbarrett

      Thank you so much Teddy your remarks touch me and are so appreciated.

    • Cassie58

      So poetically penned sorenbarrett. Loved your expression here for second chances. Have a great day.

      • sorenbarrett

        Thanks so much Cassie your remarks are too kind. They are always appreciated.

      • orchidee

        Ahh, more dinner suggestions for KP, and dessert too - Stuffed Beaver, and Rotted Peach for afters. heehee.

        • sorenbarrett

          Thanks Orchi it seems that I always find a menu for you.

          • orchidee

            Yes, I will hire you as KP's chef! lol. The rhyme 'Slugs and snails and puppy dogs tails' may be what little boys are made of, though KP's made of botox and old trouts! lol.

          • Tristan Robert Lange

            Soren, I really enjoyed your poem! The way you compare new love to colorful buds and then reflect on the passage of time with images like the 'rotted peach' is so powerful. It captures that mix of excitement and nostalgia beautifully. I love how you show that while love can change, it also grows stronger through experiences. Thanks for sharing such a heartfelt piece!

            • sorenbarrett

              Thanks so much Tristan for the review and most gracious remarks they are so kind and valued.

            • Neville

              this is a fine (very) example of why
              I first fell in love with poetry .. I simply don't think it can be faulted .. Neville

              • sorenbarrett

                Neville coming from a poet like yourself I feel most humbled. I thank you.

              • Bella Shepard

                To have lived it, is to know. This is from the heart and so beautifully versed.

                • sorenbarrett

                  Tis true my friend, one needs to be grateful for all one's experiences whether full of joy or dampened with rain they make us who we are.

                • Thad Wilk

                  A splendid poem of
                  love a second time around!
                  Ones last love, unlike first, is
                  made of stronger stuff! YES! 👍
                  My pleasure to read indeed!
                  Best regards ✌️ Thad

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Thank you Thad for the review and generous words they are most appreciated

                  • Thomas W Case

                    Superb work. Great imagery and use of the senses.

                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thanks so much Thomas I appreciate the read and comment

                    • Goldfinch60

                      Lovely emotive words soren.


                      • sorenbarrett

                        Thank you so much Andy for the read and kind words they are valued

                      • Dan Williams

                        "Passion walks into love on a broken crutch" = killer line. Whole thing shines. nice work. I've come to expect it from you, sorenbarrett.

                        • sorenbarrett

                          Thank you for your kindness it is most appreciated Dan.

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