The Student?

Dan Williams

Faced with compulsory learning

blinded to what actually is,

numbed by waves of propaganda;

such a seemingly friendly warning

delivers a backhanded salute.

Pince-nez confronting reality

misses what he never actually had;


In a virtual instant it appeared,

in an instantaneous instant it vanished.

Only an illusion of liberty made to deceive,

as a such sinister arabesque often will

in this childhood of tyranny.

Prelude to usual aftermath or equivalent,

lived so many times before.

While poisoned air and wasted water,

anathema to survival

is everywhere.

  • Author: Dan Williams (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 2nd, 2024 00:33
  • Comment from author about the poem: Just me, bemoaning the human condition as usual.
  • Category: Sociopolitical
  • Views: 31
  • Users favorite of this poem: sorenbarrett
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  • sorenbarrett

    Here and gone even illusions can be missed. Loved the last line "While poisoned air and wasted water, anathema to survival, is everywhere"

    • Dan Williams

      Thanks to you. Good remark from you is encouraging.

    • Bella Shepard

      I truly get what you're saying here. I have often thought there is no real freedom in learning, from the time we enter school. We are told what to believe, rather than being provided with opportunities to question, explore, expand and grow. Kudos my friend, and a good write!

    • Bobby O

      You’re tricky. I mean you are a self admitted man forever blind to metaphor that is unsure about the deal of Cope causing one to wonders how happenstance and finely fitted focused plans dance and Samba

      • Dan Williams

        Uh, thank you, I think.

        • Bobby O

          It was a compliment. No worries

        • Doggerel Dave

          "illusion of liberty" Does it for me, Dan. You really don't have to justify that, but since you have - good stuff.

        • Dan Williams

          I write a lot about this because I genuinely fear what this country will be Luke for my daughter. Somehow maybe she won't have to say "he told you so" Thanks.

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