The Proof in Plain Sight

Accidental Poet


“Kiss My Rump Donald Trump” by Sandy and Richard Riccardi



Knowing right from wrong

Applies to everyone

Even you Mr. Trump

You old fart piece of dung


I know I’m not alone

When I say your full of it

There’s a stench that follows you

And it smells a lot like shit


It comes out of your butt

It comes out of your mouth

Sorry to inform you

Your claim of genius is in doubt


Politicians use a prepared speech

Whereas you just let it fly

Not of solving Human Relations

But stories to all but you, a lie


Your quoted as saying

“Let’s make America great again”

I hear it differently

Let’s make lying wrong again


At your rallies

You dance up quite a storm

But you’re your own worst enemy

A slimy self-centered worm


Someone running for political office

Doesn’t act like you do

Come November you’ll be found

Sitting in your own pile of poo


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2024

  • Author: Sharon\'s Poet (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 2nd, 2024 01:30
  • Comment from author about the poem: Unless you’re Donald Trump, no offense readers, the video bounced off my funny bone in a most fitting way ~ AP.
  • Category: Humor
  • Views: 29
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15, Maplespal, Bella Shepard
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  • Teddy.15

    Dearest A.P I did have a chuckle 🀭 I wouldn't want to be an American citizen come November, the media and social media have proved to be incredibly dangerous bias and I've seen a lot of fake news and propaganda, I can only say I hope that come this political moment in November I hope all Americans will find some sort of serenity and peace, your country has been incredibly divided. In Europe its the same we don't have Trump but we have Johnson and Farage and Le.Pen and Salvini, so many I cannot name them all. I've had a good chuckle and I'm with you 100% Mr Trump is more suited for a cameo in honey I brushed my hair!!!! lol 🀣🀣

    • Accidental Poet

      Thanks Teddy, Trump seems to make a fool of himself every time he opens his mouth. Never have I ever seen a politician talk and act like he does. 🫀

    • Goldfinch60

      When he was elected president I was surprised that he wasn't assassinated with three weeks of becoming president.


      • Accidental Poet

        Someone almost got to him this time, but that's turned into a farse too. He's a joke unto himself. Thanks Andy. 😁

      • Neville

        Just be sure you are not alone AP ..
        I am right beside you .. and its probably best if I shut up now otherwise, if I go on a rant, I will probably get thrown off MPS such is my contempt for the idiot in question .. Great post & accompanying YouTube footage .. Neville

        • Accidental Poet

          Trump may have a following N, but I believe it to be dwindling as Trump proves himself the self-centered idiot that he is. Plus, I quite sure MPS supports freedom of speech on this site as long as it doesn't get too overly into obscenities. Thanks for the read buddy. πŸ˜πŸ‘

          • Neville

            I'm still chuckling ..

            • Accidental Poet

              Glad to hear it. So am I. πŸ˜†

            • Maplespal

              Love us old people we know how to say it.

              • Accidental Poet

                Thanks Maplespal, I've heard a saying...
                "Don't piss off old people, the older they get the less life in prison is a deterrent". And in Donald Trump's case, what goes around comes back around. 😁

              • sorenbarrett

                May I take it that you won't be voting Republican? Loved the video and the poem was fun and a strong statement.

                • Accidental Poet

                  You can take that to the bank soren. This was inspired be the video where I just had to post something to go with it. Thanks soren. πŸ˜πŸ‘

                • Bella Shepard

                  I say Amen brother, I'd write more but I'm laughing to hard. Perfect!

                  • Accidental Poet

                    I celebrate your laughter Bella. 😁🌹

                  • Doggerel Dave

                    Great to read you, the poet still in control of perfect form roar off like that, AP. Have no doubt where my sentiments lie.
                    I must however check myself occasionally to remember that he is only a symptom of a much wider and more entrenched disease.

                    • Accidental Poet

                      Thanks for the read Dave. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

                    • Dan Williams

                      So then, lets see how this bimbo Harris deals with the like of Putin. He'll have her for dinner. Lesser evil?

                      • Accidental Poet

                        Time will tell Dan. Thanks for reading.

                      • Cassie58

                        Hello AP. We have just suffered elections here in the UK. Good luck for yours. There appears to be division everywhere. We are certainly divided in the UK. Your video made me smile, but covered serious issues. I am not a fan of Trump, but neither was I impressed with the other one, not now standing. I can only wish you well for November. Happy Saturday. πŸ™‚

                        • Accidental Poet

                          Thanks Cassie, I wasn't a fan of Trump or Biden. But I would've voted for Biden as a vote against Trump and deal with any Biden issues later. I think Trump knows he can't face Harris in a debate so he's afraid of coming up short. We shall see as time moves on. πŸ˜‰

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