Trusting Times - Part 1


Tune: Herongate

('It is a thing most wonderful')

Psalm 56


O God, be merciful to me

For man would swallow me up, see

He fighting daily does oppress

Me, and does not your name confess


My enemies would me swallow

For they do not your way follow

They be many that 'gainst me fight

Come to me, help me by your might


What time I am afraid, I will

Trust in you, confide in you still

In God I will His words sure praise

And songs of worship to Him raise


I will not fear what flesh can do

To me, I trust in God anew

Though each day they my words do wrest

They think to me evil, no rest


They gather together, and hide

And mark my steps where I reside

They lie in wait for my poor soul

And would cast it down to Sheol*


* Sheol - a shadowy world of the dead -

but not Hell.


  • Author: orchidee (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 2nd, 2024 01:36
  • Comment from author about the poem: A hymn-poem in in 2 parts. It may be the same tune for Part 2, though other tunes fit to 8888 too.
  • Category: Spiritual
  • Views: 18
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  • orchidee

    .....Unless you wanted to sing 10 verses in one go?!
    You certainly won't want ME to do that! lol.

  • Goldfinch60

    Good one Orchi.

    • orchidee

      Thanks Gold.

    • Neville

      A hymn poem in 2 parts .. do you mean, its broken ..

      • orchidee

        Thanks N. Yes - they broke the record (for record player machines) of me singing it! lol.

      • sorenbarrett

        Nicely written again I can use the mercy.

        • orchidee

          Thanks SB.

        • Bella Shepard

          Beautifully written my friend, belief will see you through.

          • orchidee

            Thanks B.

          • Thomas W Case


            • orchidee

              Thanks T.

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