Immaterial Things Such as These


Immaterial Things Such as These


I wish I had a notepad

and a pen

with me, or by my side

each time

the makings of a poem

I may never

now write, finds its way

into that

portion of mind which

serves as

a reservoir in which my

hopes, dreams

and wishes, all seem to

dissolve or

   then shamelessly drown ..





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  • orchidee

    Yes, how is it that words come to us and we don't have a notepad nearby?
    This is so also, for about 500 poems I had in mind for KP, in the genre 'put-downs!' lol.

    • Neville

      I wonder if when she skins you, you will look like some kind of sausage .. am asking on behalf of a butcher

    • sorenbarrett

      Neville loved the format of this poem it seemed a zipper that was closed. Never the less it's rhythm rolled out as if the zipper was unfastening. I too wished I had had a pen many times when thoughts drown in that reservoir of the mind. Now that everyone carries a smart phone just hit the mic and record each thought for latter.

      • Neville

        thanks a million my friend .. I imagine that's what most would be scribes do nowadays .. I'm just an old fashioned guy so think I'll stick with my papyrus and wax tablets for the time being .. Neville

      • Bella Shepard

        For the want of a pen my friend, too many great thoughts disappearing into the ether. This poem flows so beautifully that, inhaling deeply, I read it aloud all in one breath and it was amazing. I'm so glad this wonderful poem did not escape you. !!!!!!

        • Neville

          I reckon I shall sleep easy tonight many thanks for that Bella .. hope your world is now treating you more kindly .. Neville

          • Bella Shepard

            Feeling quite recovered, thank you.

            • Neville

              Phew ...... told ya I will sleep tonight didn't I .. good to hear ..

            • Thomas W Case

              I relate. Ideas for poems often come to me when I'm trying to sleep. I keep a pen and notepad in bed. Great work.

              • Neville

                Thanks TWC .. NVP ๐Ÿ™‚

              • MendedFences27

                I'm assuming this is chronic among poets, I for one have this problem, and I've taken to carrying a pen and a small paper-pad. How many times have I raced home to record a thought before losing it to my 80-year-old brain? You have brilliantly called out this unfortunate calamity. Maybe we can find a universal solution. Looks to me like the younger generation has the answer with technology. Although I hate it when they start talking into their watch and I think they are talking to me. What to do? I vote for pad and pen. At least it is silent. - Phil A

                • Neville

                  I was once asked by an old flame if I had ever considered using my Dictaphone .. I said how dare you .. and that was it ... over .. Cheers Phil ๐Ÿ™‚

                  • MendedFences27

                    Neville. You at least could have shown her what all the buttons were for and how to dial up the right number. Maybe she would have liked to speak into it, then you could always listen to the playback as a memento.

                  • Goldfinch60

                    That resevoir is becoming full in my mind Neville so |I carry a notebook with me all the time.


                    • Neville

                      ....................................................... Dam ........ me too ๐Ÿ™‚

                    • Parisab

                      Writers are
                      people and
                      when they stop
                      being desperate
                      they stop being

                      • Neville

                        Its great to have you back Parisab .. I hope your world is being kind to you and you plan to linger longer, you have been muchly missed .. and may your gods smile down upon you .. thanks for the CB quote .. he's missed too .. Kindest of Regards, Neville

                        • Parisab

                          Thank you for your care as always-yes I was walking around where he used to hang out-after reading your poem I thought of his quote-and in your case no matter how many ideas you miss, you will always have more inspiration, prolific poet friendโ€ฆ

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