Standard Class (A Town Shanty)




Our story starts in Southport

division was the game,

the girls can’t shake it off,

as they lay in slain,

by such a dark boy,

who might’ve scanned Quran,

reasons for the lesions,

across the bloody land!  




Coz’ things go crash in Thunderland,

nerves make Quiverpool,

and Banchester has no men,

it’s clear to play the fool,


Chorus (repeat twice at the end)


As the standard class,

won’t learn it’s lesson,

they just burn delicatessen,

with work offence, they can’t pass,

such is the life of standard class!




The busy swarm; thinks they’re right,

but petrol bombs, are pens,

eviction notice, they do write,

in following all the trends,

those elected need to fix,

this devastating mess,

as Axel’s; just in the mix,

will they make progress!?




It’s a strange thing, to love war,

to kill a place, called home,

mighty apes, keep the score,

no need to atone,

but pride can cause extinction,

how much time remains?

Of misplaced distinction,

where loss is labelled gains!

  • Author: AuburnScribbler (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 4th, 2024 09:21
  • Comment from author about the poem: I thought I would write this "town shanty", about such a horrible thing that's happened recently in the UK. Seventeen year old Axel Rudakubana, stabbed a group of girls in Southport, where (as of Tuesday) three of them are sadly dead now. The rest are in intensive care in hospital. Because of his lineage, mobs all over the country have jumped on the band wagon of calling him a Muslim, and therefore have deemed these murders as a terrorist attack on the UK, which has caused riots all over the country, which are still happening. If you wish to read more in depth, about this travesty, then please follow this link: The banner picture of the meshy fence, is a horrible symbol of division in the modern world, and in the UK, a horrible stereotype is our continuous struggle with class. However, when it comes to a "standard class", the "class of humanity", a dangerous mob mentality remains, and is the cause of such self destruction. If it's not a riot made by mistaken people on Capitol Hill, because of the disliking of a public vote, then it is an erroneous aggressive congregation on the streets, by people thinking they are defending, but are actually destroying the places they love. Seems to me, that our species needs to go back to school, hmm!? Regardless of all that said, the horrible crime committed by Axel, is a clear, and all so easy byproduct of the core operation of mankind at the moment. Though his crime is a heinous one, I'm sure there were agonising personal reasons why he did what he did. With such an overwhelming right we grant ourselves to choose, the way we operate as a species needs to be revised, if we are to save lives. I hope that you sing along, to mold a sense of solace, it's such a sad life we choose to make sometimes, so with that said, please, as always, please do stay safe everyone.
  • Category: Reflection
  • Views: 7
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  • sorenbarrett

    A song indeed of war, loss and its meaninglessness. Haunting thoughts

    • AuburnScribbler

      Thanks for the read sorenbarrett, and I'm glad that you somewhat enjoyed this.

      Though it's important to try and keep our spirits up in such hard times, we cannot choose to entirely ignore that our species on the whole, are the makers of such travesties to escape.

      This means, that not every "song" is a "love song", and with such dangerous repeated choices made by humanity, the "not love song" list is sadly compiling at an exponential rate.

      Thanks again and I hope that all is well.

    • Goldfinch60

      Emotive words Ben, I just do not understand why this is happening.


      • AuburnScribbler

        Thanks for the read Andy, and for your kind comment.

        In trying to answer your implied question, sadly, in the words of the sniper from the game, Team Fortress 2 "as long as there's two people left on the planet, someone is going to want someone else dead!" Such is the continued chosen barbarism of human operation!

        Thanks again and I hope that all is well.

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