
Thomas W Case

We used to talk about
to Montana--escaping it all,
building a log cabin and
making a garden.  We were
going to hunt and fish for
food--make rugs and
hats from the fur.

But look at us now.
You live in the
city and drive a Volvo.
Goldfish in a glass bowl.
You even taught your
cat to walk on
a leash.
Can you see the
sky with all the smog?

I'm not any better.
Living under the bridge;
the only hunting I do is
for cans, the rare and
aluminum nickel, so that
I can buy booze.  

I walk down to the
river's edge and look up at
the expansive sky.
I close my eyes.
And when I open them, baby,
we're in Montana.

  • Author: Thomas W Case (Pseudonym) (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 4th, 2024 13:35
  • Comment from author about the poem: Here is a link to my recently published limited edition book, Rise Up Collected Poems and Short Stories.
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 60
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15, aDarkerMind
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  • sorenbarrett

    Thomas I lived in Montana for a while and though the rivers in the west were nice to fish there was little else to do there. A great write about a dream that never materialized and living in its unfulfiled shadow. Nicely written

    • Thomas W Case

      Thank you, much appreciated.

    • Neville

      I live on the coast, I occasionally fish .. bought a Volvo two days ago .. never been to Montana but did live under a bridge many moons ago .. briefly .. and we both write jeez we could be twins .. maybe ..

      • Thomas W Case

        Thank you, brother. Maybe we are twins. lol

      • Teddy.15

        I cannot tell you in so little words how this poem makes me feel as a woman, except to say through all your shit and all you heartache, you still put this woman where she belongs without hate and scorn, the dignity within this poem is beyond words, your truth and hope of maybe even the dream is just incredible. I love this, if you haven't already noticed, hey women make mistakes too, we are also a species that even if we don't write it in poems or say it with courage we still feel pain and the sorrow, you my friend can see and write it in a translucent fashion. There's no hate or regret just hope. Thank you. 🌹 💙

        • Thomas W Case

          So kind of you, sweet Teddy. Thanks a million.

        • Doggerel Dave

          Not much to add after Teddy, Neville and Soren have had their say.
          A lucid picture of dreams unfulfilled.
          'I'm not any better.' - Perfect statement; perfect balance.

        • Dan Williams

          No disrespect, but this reminded me of Frank Zappa "Going to Montana Soon. Well done.

        • Parisab

          True whispers from under the bridge, reminding us about dreams long gone-so generous that you didn’t move to Montana without her…

          • Thomas W Case

            Thank you. Good to see you again.

          • Bobby O

            Really a vivid allegory and it applies to many and Montana is as good as any symbol to imply and define INSTEAD

          • Bobby O

          • aDarkerMind

            to me Thomas, it doesnt matter what state youre go back home, that is what matters most.
            your way with words astounds me my friend.

            • Thomas W Case

              Thank you. Much appreciated.

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