From a tiny view


Infant deception in pixels on a screen
Internet's nicotine habit 
Drinking knowledge from a media latrine 
Following Alice's white rabbit

A rusted circus shinny in the eyes of a child
A slave penny spent
fed to a clown that smiled
Chain broken under a mended tent

Baby skin calloused
Youths scales cut from eyes
Time as ballast
Wisdom a child's lies

  • Author: sorenbarrett (Offline Offline)
  • Published: August 5th, 2024 05:50
  • Category: Unclassified
  • Views: 102
  • Users favorite of this poem: Teddy.15
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  • 2781

    It certainly not wonderland.

    • sorenbarrett

      Thank you for your review and comment it is appreciated.

    • Teddy.15

      LOL 🤣 brilliant what magical lies children can make up, and of course the adult too. I found this to be most endearing, I've worked with children all my life. Mountains out of mole hills 🌹

      • sorenbarrett

        They do indeed friend and sometimes I wonder if they are lies at all but just another way to see reality. Sad that with age the innocence and wonder of childhood becomes jaded and cynical. Thank you so much for the read and comment as always it is most valued

        • Teddy.15

          Children are naturally trained to tell the truth so I also wonder if they tell lies at a young age what will they become. 🌹

        • Neville

          I have tried to see the world through a childs eyes but sadly, I think I lost it way back .. this post made me think about perception in general a topic that I have long been interested in .. nice one my friend .. Neville

          • sorenbarrett

            Thank you Neville Indeed perception is the key and I am often amused and intrigued by the perceptions others have. Thanks so much for the review

          • orchidee

            Now this is spooky - the poem changed from verses to one whole piece, then back again to verses!
            Maybe a blip when I pressed the 'like' button?! Good write SB.

            • sorenbarrett

              It has been doing this to me for some days now and I have to recalibrate my reading each time. Thanks Orchi appreciate it.

              • orchidee

                Ooh let's all practice a bit of 'recalibrating' then! heehee. A bit spooky?

              • Thomas W Case

                Powerful and vivid work.

                • sorenbarrett

                  Thanks so much Thomas it is most appreciated.

                • Dan Williams

                  I don't know where you come up with these jewels but do keep it up. I mean "Drinking knowledge from a media latrine" is just inspired. Nice work.

                  • sorenbarrett

                    Thanks Dan your comments are much appreciated and valued.

                  • Goldfinch60

                    Strong words soren, if only we could go back to the innocence of childhood it would be wonderful.


                    • sorenbarrett

                      Thanks Andy I appreciate your read and comment. I would not want to live those years over but to return to the innocence would be nice.

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